Best way to make chicken?


New member
So, let's here you best way to make chicken. I've pretty much tried everything out there. These are the rules:

1. It has to be fast
2. It has to be tasty (juicy, with flavor, not dry and bland)
3. It has to last that way for at least 3 days if you put it in a fridge.

I've baked em, i've grilled em, I've mircrowaved them, i've bbq'ed them and i'm far microwaving them w/ some spice and water is the tastiest, don't ask me why.
did this the other day...turned out great.

heat up a pan with a little oil or spray on med-high heat
brown each chicken breast for 1 minute per side
reduce heat to med-low
cook for 6-8 minutes, flipping 3-4 times

i started using different chicken recently, so maybe thats what it was, but i swear this method doesnt burn the outside AT ALL like i used to, and its really juicy inside.
Microwaving it for the first time cooking it is nasty! Baking it is always good but not as fast as some other ways. I usually throw some chicken boobies on the George Foreman, takes about 8-10min. Or I slice up some chicken breasts and throw it in a frying pan w/ a little bit of olive oil, onions and garlic and make fajitas or tacos out of it. Or you can eat it just like that. That only takes maybe 10 min also.
pan fry or bake. pan fry has more flavor, but obviously is more fatty. baking is a good way to do about 3 days worth all at once in under 45 mins. marinade it, season it, bake it, tupperware it. good to go.

plus i get the wifey to do it in an outfit like her in the avatar. watching someone cook has never been so fun!
I'm gonna try something new tonight. My mom's got a killer recipe for Anchiladas, they are amazing. I'm gonna try to make them, minus the rice. I like to keep my carbs to yams or pots. It should be really good...
Vennom96 said:
Microwaving it for the first time cooking it is nasty! Baking it is always good but not as fast as some other ways. I usually throw some chicken boobies on the George Foreman, takes about 8-10min. Or I slice up some chicken breasts and throw it in a frying pan w/ a little bit of olive oil, onions and garlic and make fajitas or tacos out of it. Or you can eat it just like that. That only takes maybe 10 min also.

oh yessss, the George Foreman is the way to go.
I use that thing for everrrrything.
huskyguy said:
Baked is best--and you can put your oven on timer and have it done when you get home.
for once i agree.

baked whole chicken is even better/tastier/juicier

edit: and i just noticed this thread is 8 months old and i already posted in it
i put it in the over with olive oil on top and some spices, I have found my chicken to be juicer with the olive oil. But right when you over cook your chicken turns to shit

I should start marinating it overnight since i always cook chicken everyday anyways
I like putting a little water and or olive oil in a baking pan as a base for the skinless breasts then season however and place in oven for 40 minutes and it comes out great nice snd soft and easy digestabletasty with the right herbs.
Phil9999 said:
the foreman makes the chicken so dry and gross

there is a trick to it, dont shut the top, highest heat setting (if you have the one with the adjustable) and take the little grease trapper, turn it upside down, and place it under the front legs of the foreman so it becomes level. Becomes more of a grill without the angle and top, however you'r chicken will come out A LOT BETTER and JUICER.. let me know how it goes.
Here is something for ya you will like man I guarantee it.

-Cut up some red or white onion real fine and as awhole and toss it in a deep broiling pan on your stove and let it cook up first on medium heat level for a few minutes. add about 2 tblspoons of olive oil too.
-cut up 2-3 chicken breasts in small thumb size pices with this you want a whole green bellpepper cut in small pices.

After the onion has been cookin for a few min toss in the chicken with the bell peppers and keep the lid off. The chicken will turn bright white and keep stiring every min or so for 5-10 min. When the chicken is all white and solid cut up a whole sweet potato in thumb size chunks and toss it in last since potato cooks fastest. also add some water with the potato too... just about 2-4 oz or so.
Now throw the lid on top and stir every few min and let the whole thing cook for another 10-15min.

Now you have 3 chickens 1 red onion 1 bellpepper 1 sweet potato and its all mixed.
It takes about 30 min to make and you can put more if you want to save it... the taste is amazing if you have only been eating chicken by itself you will not belive how good this tastes!!!!
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