BF% then and now


New member
girls, what was your bf% when you started training? how long have you trained to get it to where it is now?

I'll go first:

started at 24% last may, bf% was 21% couple months ago, not exactly sure right now (probably not much lower though) :mad:

I started out at about 16% bf...I've been as low as about 9.5-10% last summer, did a BIG BULK - back up around 19% now (added a grip of muscle to my frame though :) )- just started dieting again :( Will be about 9% at the end of this diet (I hope).
started at 13% faye? and 16% bulking sparkley!! thats some crazy shit... I better get my ass in the gym.....................right away
Faye said:
I started out at about 16% bf...I've been as low as about 9.5-10% last summer, did a BIG BULK - back up around 19% now (added a grip of muscle to my frame though :) )- just started dieting again :( Will be about 9% at the end of this diet (I hope).

How did you gain so much in your last bulk? I ate like a horse in mine and only gained 5lbs. Chelsea
Girl - Give me food and a weightroom and I grow. It's kinda crazy. My first year training I put on 8 lbs of lbm au natural. It's in my blood - my family was built to put on weight - unfortunately I have to work pretty hard at staying lean....that's the trade off I suppose.
Guess Im the opposite. I stay lean no matter what but have a really hard time bulking up. I used to be barely 100 lbs and its been tough just getting to 125. Chelsea