Bigger pennis???


New member
Is there any excercise to increase the pennis heigth o width? Is there any way to get it strong with some supplement? or is that there is anything at all? I have been on the gym for three months and I'm starting to see the results on the rest of my body... I just want to keep the balance with "It"

Any comments?
Okay Stromba...
Check this out you can increase the lenght of your tool. However you can not increase the girth. Increasing the length takes years of pulling it and stretching it. There are some Indian gurus that do this and there dicks are really long but look kind of like snakes.
That is the only thing I have ever heard of.
Maybe some of these Nitrics make work .after prolonged use will give you a bigger wood. I noticed when I took It there was a bigger harder wood.
Other than that I think you have to under the knife.
You can stretch the skin and some of the misc tissue around the blood tissue, but you cant lengthen the actual tissue that gets hard. So in essence you can but youd be left with a floppy cock. At least thats what I heard on love-line on MTV once.
The only way to get a bigger cock is to kill yourself and hope that you are born to parents with better genetics when you're reincarnated.
DJ VENOM said:
Okay Stromba...
Check this out you can increase the lenght of your tool. However you can not increase the girth. Increasing the length takes years of pulling it and stretching it. There are some Indian gurus that do this and there dicks are really long but look kind of like snakes.
That is the only thing I have ever heard of.
Maybe some of these Nitrics make work .after prolonged use will give you a bigger wood. I noticed when I took It there was a bigger harder wood.
Other than that I think you have to under the knife.

I'm Stromba, He's Sombra. I would not ask such a question.
Did you see OLD SCHOOL. They did this thing with tying a cinder block to the end of their peckers and throwing it off a tall building.. Try giving that a shot... hahaha keep us posted. exercises do work for length and girth, despite what some say...the key is persistence, just like in the gym...don't bother with pumps and pills...use the exercises like jelqing and stretching...they worked for me...also, long term gh use has added some length even after I stopped the exercises due to my GF's bitching about the size being uncomfortable...strange for this to be my 1st post here, but hey it does work if you work at it...check out that forum, it's free and there is a lot of good info on pe and men's health in general...
My boy says pumps is like stretching just like doing weights instead of calistetics dogmann. I will agree with dogmann about stretching though because i read this in tantra books.
I have to agree with Doggmann...I've tried the exercises for about 3 months on a daily basis for about 1 hour with few missed days and I honestly did see an increase of about 1 inch, not so much in girth if anything at all, but it does work.

I'd also agree with Doggmann about his GF bitching. Most women don't really want anything to big, it friggin hurts um. My wife told me to stop after she started getting sore during sex.
Yea but if you want to keep the new size, you'll have to keep doing the stretching cause sooner or later i'll get its original size... i mean get samller again.
Have any of you used some pumps? do they work like the excersis?
I honestly did not lose any size during the 2.5 years off from pe exercises...admittedly, the last 14 mo i've used gh, so that certainly helps, but most of the vets over at or thundersplace will tell you that the length and girth gained from exercising is relatively for pumping, most will say the gains are temporary...however, there are pumping systems that use progressive cylinders, which some claim can result in permanent gains...But jelqing and stretching are free and work great if you're consistent...i think guys like us have an advantage here because we are used to having to work hard over time for our gains...the general public wants a quick fix, but we tend to be more patient...believe me, if you run the jelqs and stretches for a year, like a weight training routine 4-5 days per week, you'll have a bigger pecker...Also, don't forget to work your pc muscle...Developing that muscle can allow you to control your orgasm and never worry about popping too fast with a new girl...
Im a sex addict bro. Researched what your asking for yrs. I cant fall asleep at night unless skinemax has something great on. Nothing in the world compares to a little blondie with D cups.

You want a bigger dick. Only one way. Dr. Joels vacumm pump system. It will increase your girth lenghth and sex drive. Tested and proven myself. Be careful with it though the thing is no joke. Powererful as shit. The whole set up will cost you roughly 400-500 bills, not cheap. I never tried GH but that shit has to work also. Good luck. By the kit! She will thank you, LOL.
the so - called pills on the internet and in the magazines are temp - effects... a doctor friend of mine told me the pills attack the cappillaries in the penis that are not normally used and engorge them w/ blood upon erection.. bigger yes, longer no... temporary definetly !

the guaranteed way is to go under the knife !