Blast and cruise question about doses.


I like bananas
I've got a coworker that is on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) running 200mg test cyp, 1mg Arimidex and 500iu of HGC a week. He has been running this for about 5 years now with nice gains. All his blood work is really good and dialed in on that protocol. I mentioned to him about what I have read about doing a blast and cruise a couple times a year and he is interested in trying it out. Can you give us an idea of how much more Test and Arimidex and for how long his first blast should run? As I understand it, no PCT is needed when on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) correct?

P.S. I am not asking this question for myself trying to hide under him. I'm new to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and still trying to get myself dialed in before playing around with doses.

If he is getting nice gains, why change? Sounds like he has the perfect set up if his doc is providing scripts to all that.
Yes he does get everything with a script as do I. The thing I left out is he has used GHRP-6 for most of that time but is now having trouble getting it as our compounding pharmacy that our HGC comes from discontinued carrying it.

Also, he is wanting to take things to the next level but safely. Not saying what some on here use is particularly dangerous but he wants to do baby steps as will I when I start to experiment.
As far as I know, everything on cycle is the same if you're on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or not, the only difference is no post cycle therapy (pct), just back to your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage. Since PCT/recovery is not an issue, if it were me, I would consider doing 500-600 for 16-20 weeks, and probably add in 400mg of Deca. Adex will probably go to about 1/2mg EOD and the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will remain the same. If you do add Deca you should add a PA like prami or caber. But again, that is what I would do, YMMV.
I am very grateful for your replies so far. But... I can almost assure you that he is not willing to add any other drug to his routine just yet. Again, not saying that other drus are not needed to really gain mass but he's just not ready to step up to that level yet. We are just trying to keep it script only for now but just play with what he has on hand and that's a stockpile of extra Test and Arimidex. Thanks again guys.
He can just blast the 500mg a week for the basic 12 week cycle, up the adex to .50 eod (can be adjusted if needed), and at the end no need to post cycle therapy (pct), just go back to his original testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocol. If you couldnt tell, Rumpy likes his deca...might have to try this stuff :)
I'm old, my joints hurt, I love deca. I'm assuming if this guy is on prescribed testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) he 's old too. But yes, if you don't want to add anything, just up the test and adex.
I love deca ! Its magical. I should feel like complete shit at this point from how much I abuse my body, but i feel pretty good.
I love deca ! Its magical. I should feel like complete shit at this point from how much I abuse my body, but i feel pretty good.

My interest is peaked. Do you run this all year round when on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) like I am or just stack it with the 12 week blast?
I run it all the time. 250 test 200 deca on cruise. Blasts get a little scary. Trying to put 600lbs back on my total in the next month and a half.
Deca takes a LONG time to build up. If you want to just try it out, get a vial of NPP. That will be in full effect in about a week, but you have to pin it EOD. It also clears your system in a matter of days, instead of a month like Deca, so if you don't like it, you can just quit.

I'm 45, I've run just test only and test with NPP. I will never cycle without it again! If I go the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) route some day I will run it year round.
Deca takes a LONG time to build up. If you want to just try it out, get a vial of NPP. That will be in full effect in about a week, but you have to pin it EOD. It also clears your system in a matter of days, instead of a month like Deca, so if you don't like it, you can just quit.

I'm 45, I've run just test only and test with NPP. I will never cycle without it again! If I go the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) route some day I will run it year round.

I thought you were on trt?
Thanks a bunch guys! He's 45 and I'm 43 but right now I feel 18.

Isn't it awesome? I'm off right now but have an endo doing bloodwork for me. If she'll set me up on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), then it's blasting and cruising till I'm curling my walker....
Interest is, and has been peaked on deca. Its the whole prolactin thing that has me a little nervous. As an old guy as well, the whole joint/magical shit is very appealing though...