Test and primo cruise/small blast

Ao ive been on trt a few years. An addiction took ahold of me and was in treatment 5 months, where i couldnt even do my trt.
Usually i trt 160mg/w test sust and deca 100mg/w....
Ive been back on my cruise for about two months...
So im not recovering from a past blast and i dont think i should do a real blast yet but i was thinking of adding a bit to my cruise of test at 160 i was thinking primo, i was thinking 150-200/w... weather or not this is now considered trt or a small blast or whatever u want to call it, no need to break it down( i opened like 10 threads of people asking this question and they all just turned into a battle of what a proper cruise looks like) so weather u wanna call it a cruise with a boost or a small blast it doesnt matter to me in this thread.... im just looking for an extra kick till i decide to do a full blast further down the line... i usually only blast during spring but, again, dont think i should do a real blast yet, weather i wait a year or a season or two... i used to do intermediate cycles in my past but since going on trt 4 years ago ive been more gentle... i have some superdrol and anadrol kickin around (a couple hundred pills of each surprisingly, im super pissed i had 6 bottles of ment, 4 bottles of eq, 3 of deca, 2 of tnt and a bunch of sust... only had all my orals and 1 bottle of ment when i came back from treatment...anyways) i was thinking of throwing one of them in to just give a jump forward but then thought about adding a little primo instead. Ive heard its very mild, in terms of weight n strength gains but read it gives a look like no other....
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