Bloat from Var


New member
My girlfriend is about to do her second cycle of anavar @ 10 mgs/day. She complained of it making her hold too much water, especially in her abdomen, making her stomach poke out. I was wondering what I should get for her to take along w/ it to rid her of the extra water. thx
seriously, it's just what happens to some people... tell her to just watch her salt intake.

does she happen to be on birth control also? the combo of var and bc is brutal for water retention.
She was the first time she took it. She's not at the moment just b/c she has to go to the Dr. to get her script refilled.
i don't recommend women stay on bc pills when on var... the hardness is lost and there can tends to be water retention.

besides, why pump in contrasting types of hormones?