blood results back - low test


New member
I'm 29 been working out on and off for a fair few years, more consistantly the last year.

I have been getting ready to do a first cycle of test e at 500mg/week. I went to the doctors to get some pre cycle blood work done.

The doctor said everything came back pretty normal, so i got a print out of results and looking over them at home the testosterone levels seem pretty low.

testosterone (10.0-35.0)nmol/L - 11.5

SHBG (10-50)nmol/L - 26

Free Test (225-725)pmol/L - 261

FAI (20.0-160.0) - 44.2

I dont have much faith in doctors, some of the stuff im reading online suggests those are pretty low readings.

Its hard to say whether i feel fine or not as i haven't known any different.

I do feel pretty emotionless most of the time, and my mood does go up and down like abit of a roller coaster. I just chalked it up to some kind of depression, force myself into the gym and after a while my mood comes good again.

Last few years my sex drive has been fading, but i have been with missus for about 6 years now haha Have had all the kids we ever plan to.

Wondering whether trt could help with a few of these symptoms? Just like a bit of advice. thanks in advance
What time of the day was your blood drawn? Did you get a good nights sleep before?

What is your diet like?

Any sleep apnea or other sleep issues?

On any medications?

Depending on how you respond to the above you might want to run blood work again and also check LH, FSH, TSH, and vitamin D this time. If you don't want to go through your doc, click on the link in my signature for info on how to run Private Blood Work in the USA.
bloods were taken in the morning, fasted from the night before. I had about 9 hours sleep because i usually work out in the morning but skipped that day as i knew i wasn't meant to eat.

My diets pretty good, eat about 6-7 times a day. Oats and shake for breakfast, chicken rice and vege three or 4 times during the day and meat and vege for dinner. about 3000 calories.

Something the doc did say was my cholesterol was borderline high.

chol mmol/L ( <5.5) - 5.0
trig mmol/L (<2.0) - 0.7
HDL-C mmol/L (>0.9) 1.1
LDL-C mmol/L (<3.4) 3.6

Usually sleep pretty good as long as the damn dog keeps its mouth shut through the night! Havent done any sleep apnea testing.

Dont take any medication. Just 5g creatine a day, 3 caps of fish oil and a multivitamin each day.

Going through the print out theres results for:

TSH (mU/L) (0.40 - 4.00) - 1.11

nothing for ft4 and ft3

am in australia and dont have a problem getting the bloodwork done via the doctor, just dont trust their interpretation of the results.
In order to qualify for TRT in Australia you need to have a TT of less than 6 nmol/L (170 ng/dL), and be checked out by a urologist, endocrinologist or other specialist.

It used to be 8 nmol/L (230 ng/dL), but there was a concern that there was a growth in prescriptions being granted, along with fears that bodybuilders and doormen were using it to get legal steroids, so it was cut back.

I don't know whether it's possible to get a private prescription. Whereabouts in Oz are you?
yeh it sounds like alot of drama to get trt. I am in Bunbury, WA.

I am starting to wonder whether self medicating with a trt doseage of 100mg per week of test e, and then getting bloods done to see how test and e2 are going may help me?

edit : just read the sticky explaining trt in more detail, can see how self medicating could make things worse.
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I'm in Melbourne, so my suggestions would be on the wrong side of the country. :(

I don't know whether it would be possible to get a private prescription for TRT if you fall outside of the PBS guidelines. I've not looked into it, as my levels aren't low enough for it to be an issue.

I'd probably try to do things legally if possible. An integrative doctor, endocrinologist or urologist might be able to help.
Dont think i will have much luck being outside the pbs. Unfortunately australia is really anti drugs and a few people have abused the system making it next to impossible for those that might actually need help.

All the same am going to head back to the doctors again today, request more bloods LH, FSH, TSH, and vitamin D as well this time. See if it paints a clearer picture. Then hopefully i can convince a doctor to either help me or just get on with living with low test.

Something on my mind now though is, i was planning on doing a cycle of steroids as i have never been able to put on any muscle. I am a bit more hesitant now, as it may leave me with even lower test readings and might make quality of life worse.

Dont want to be another douche coming off cycle and then asking for trt if i could avoid it.
Dont think i will have much luck being outside the pbs. Unfortunately australia is really anti drugs and a few people have abused the system making it next to impossible for those that might actually need help.

All the same am going to head back to the doctors again today, request more bloods LH, FSH, TSH, and vitamin D as well this time. See if it paints a clearer picture. Then hopefully i can convince a doctor to either help me or just get on with living with low test.

Something on my mind now though is, i was planning on doing a cycle of steroids as i have never been able to put on any muscle. I am a bit more hesitant now, as it may leave me with even lower test readings and might make quality of life worse.

Dont want to be another douche coming off cycle and then asking for trt if i could avoid it.

Well said, thanks!
Dont think i will have much luck being outside the pbs. Unfortunately australia is really anti drugs and a few people have abused the system making it next to impossible for those that might actually need help.

All the same am going to head back to the doctors again today, request more bloods LH, FSH, TSH, and vitamin D as well this time. See if it paints a clearer picture. Then hopefully i can convince a doctor to either help me or just get on with living with low test.

Something on my mind now though is, i was planning on doing a cycle of steroids as i have never been able to put on any muscle. I am a bit more hesitant now, as it may leave me with even lower test readings and might make quality of life worse.

Dont want to be another douche coming off cycle and then asking for trt if i could avoid it.

Im in a similar situation to you, also being from australia. I am 35 been lifting clean for 10 years, had multiple low test readings 8/9 and 7nmol in the last 3 months. I have been to multiple doctors and have been told "they cant do anything about it", "you're fine" etc. etc.

Having LH levels in the gutter, along with test is an obvious sign, however because I'm fit and and somewhat lean, they think the symptoms I have is all im my head. The system is a joke, I would self medicate but I dont feel comfortable without the support/supervision from a GP.

My girlfriend has just left me, im struggling with work, life has just generally turned to shit.

best of luck with your endevours mate, keep us updated, if you find a good doc let me know, I would seriously fly anywhere in australia at the moment to get some help.
Haven't found out what has/is causing the low test readings, as the doctor seems to think there is nothing wrong and doesn't want to investigate further.

Have been left pretty confused after the doctor basically told me nothing is wrong. So many conflicting thoughts, are my low energy levels normal? maybe sex drive is meant to drop, but surely not at 29? and then ultimately am i pursueing this for the right reasons? after all i was going to use steroids anyways, primarily for vanity as i just cant seem to put on any muscle? or could this improve overall quality of life? will i regret it in 20 years? how will i ever get on a script and do things legally... I also know my wife doesnt understand as she just thinks I{m interested in trt because i want to take steroids.

Have clomid+nolva to do a pct, aromasin for ai and was going to do my first cycle of test e at 500mg/week.. but have instead opted to go 200mg a week, after 6 weeks go back to see a doctor and tell them i have self prescribed trt and would like to know my test and e2 levels. Hopefully i get some co-operation.

then continue at 200mg until 12 possibly 16 weeks, see how im feeling and either a)no improvement, get off wait 2 weeks and start pct and go from there or b) see an improvement in energy levels and continue down the self medication path until hopefully crossing over to a more regulated and legal approach

I did first pin friday and another today, will do next on thursday and then go (mon-thurs)

feeling so conflicted today, feel liked ive probably made a mistake. Dont know if i should just stop or what else i could do?
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