Blood Results - feedback appreciated


New member
Ok, I've had 4 blood tests so far and wanted to share the results to see if I could get any feedback. I was already concerned about an elevated BUN reading on the latest test and high test and estro which I've got feedback from other threads, so I'm planning on lowering test to 150 a week split over 3 injections and not sure what to do about Aromatase inhibitor (AI) yet, will see if I get a reply in the other thread.

Current protocol:

210mg E5D test cyp
1mg Anastrozle E5D day after test shot
500 units Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) E5D day after test shot

I'd like to change to this next week:

50mg test cyp - mon. wed. fri
anastrozle - no idea yet how much or frequency
hcg - would like to do one shot 500 units E7D. not concerned about fertility, just don't want to completely shrink.

Blood results: (N/A means not tested that day)

10/22/2011 (pre-test therapy and pre-healthy life style)

Hemoglobin A1c N/A
Glucose 271
Bun 12
Creatinine 1.1
eGFR 79
Calculated Bun/Creat 11
Sodium 137
Cholesterol 219
Triglycerides 192
HDL Cholesterol 41
Calculated LDL Chol 140
Risk Ratio (Chol/HDL) 5.34

12/28/2012 (started getting healthy, working out etc. but, not started therapy yet this was first blood test needed for TRT)

Hemoglobin A1c N/A
Glucose 116
Bun 18
Creatinine 0.86
eGFR 116
Calculated Bun/Creat 21
Sodium 142
Cholesterol N/A
Triglycerides N/A
HDL Cholesterol N/A
Calculated LDL Chol N/A
Risk Ratio (Chol/HDL) N/A
RBC 4.81
Hemoglobin 15.1
Hematocrit 43.1
Lymphs 35
Testosterone 483
Testosterone Free 11
Estradiol 30.7
PSA 0.8
Estrone 71
Estriol <.3
SHGB 33.4
T3 N/A

1/18/2012 (blood test by GP)

Hemoglobin A1c 6.4
Glucose 97
Bun 22
Creatinine 0.9
eGFR 98
Calculated Bun/Creat 24
Sodium 138
Cholesterol 167
Triglycerides 86
HDL Cholesterol 36
Calculated LDL Chol 114
Risk Ratio (Chol/HDL) 4.64
Hemoglobin N/A
Hematocrit N/A
Lymphs N/A
Testosterone N/A
Testosterone Free N/A
Estradiol N/A
Estrone N/A
Estriol N/A
T3 N/A

4/13/2012 (9th week blood test on TRT)

Hemoglobin A1c N/A
Glucose 86
Bun 28
Creatinine 0.86
eGFR 116
Calculated Bun/Creat 33
Sodium 136
Cholesterol 158
Triglycerides 63
HDL Cholesterol 45
Calculated LDL Chol 100
Risk Ratio (Chol/HDL) 2.2
RBC 5.44
Hemoglobin 16.9
Hematocrit 49.8
Lymphs 47
Testosterone >1500
Testosterone Free >52.0
Estradiol 56.3
Estrone N/A
Estriol N/A
LH <.2
IGF-1 347
T3 39

Seems my liver count is going up, and I'm drinking less alcohol than I used to on previous tests for about a month I'm not having 1 drink every evening now it's about 4 drinks a week so have cut about half. Is it due to AI? I only take 1mg E5D. Though I also take Lunesta for insomnia maybe the combination is having a stronger effect? I've been on Lunesta since October so the count seemed fine on previous tests. Unless it takes a while for the negative effects to appear?
Ok, I've had 4 blood tests so far and wanted to share the results to see if I could get any feedback. I was already concerned about an elevated BUN reading on the latest test and high test and estro which I've got feedback from other threads, so I'm planning on lowering test to 150 a week split over 3 injections and not sure what to do about Aromatase inhibitor (AI) yet, will see if I get a reply in the other thread.

Current protocol:

210mg E5D test cyp
1mg Anastrozle E5D day after test shot
500 units Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) E5D day after test shot

I'd like to change to this next week:

50mg test cyp - mon. wed. fri
anastrozle - no idea yet how much or frequency
hcg - would like to do one shot 500 units E7D. not concerned about fertility, just don't want to completely shrink.

Blood results: (N/A means not tested that day)

10/22/2011 (pre-test therapy and pre-healthy life style)

Hemoglobin A1c N/A
Glucose 271
Bun 12
Creatinine 1.1
eGFR 79
Calculated Bun/Creat 11
Sodium 137
Cholesterol 219
Triglycerides 192
HDL Cholesterol 41
Calculated LDL Chol 140
Risk Ratio (Chol/HDL) 5.34

12/28/2012 (started getting healthy, working out etc. but, not started therapy yet this was first blood test needed for TRT)

Hemoglobin A1c N/A
Glucose 116
Bun 18
Creatinine 0.86
eGFR 116
Calculated Bun/Creat 21
Sodium 142
Cholesterol N/A
Triglycerides N/A
HDL Cholesterol N/A
Calculated LDL Chol N/A
Risk Ratio (Chol/HDL) N/A
RBC 4.81
Hemoglobin 15.1
Hematocrit 43.1
Lymphs 35
Testosterone 483
Testosterone Free 11
Estradiol 30.7
PSA 0.8
Estrone 71
Estriol <.3
SHGB 33.4
T3 N/A

1/18/2012 (blood test by GP)

Hemoglobin A1c 6.4
Glucose 97
Bun 22
Creatinine 0.9
eGFR 98
Calculated Bun/Creat 24
Sodium 138
Cholesterol 167
Triglycerides 86
HDL Cholesterol 36
Calculated LDL Chol 114
Risk Ratio (Chol/HDL) 4.64
Hemoglobin N/A
Hematocrit N/A
Lymphs N/A
Testosterone N/A
Testosterone Free N/A
Estradiol N/A
Estrone N/A
Estriol N/A
T3 N/A

4/13/2012 (9th week blood test on TRT)

Hemoglobin A1c N/A
Glucose 86
Bun 28
Creatinine 0.86
eGFR 116
Calculated Bun/Creat 33
Sodium 136
Cholesterol 158
Triglycerides 63
HDL Cholesterol 45
Calculated LDL Chol 100
Risk Ratio (Chol/HDL) 2.2
RBC 5.44
Hemoglobin 16.9
Hematocrit 49.8
Lymphs 47
Testosterone >1500
Testosterone Free >52.0
Estradiol 56.3
Estrone N/A
Estriol N/A
LH <.2
IGF-1 347
T3 39

Seems my liver count is going up, and I'm drinking less alcohol than I used to on previous tests for about a month I'm not having 1 drink every evening now it's about 4 drinks a week so have cut about half. Is it due to AI? I only take 1mg E5D. Though I also take Lunesta for insomnia maybe the combination is having a stronger effect? I've been on Lunesta since October so the count seemed fine on previous tests. Unless it takes a while for the negative effects to appear?

ready to see some results, make sure you update how your new protocol is going.
yes will do, just started making the changes this week so I imagine it won't be another 3-4 weeks until I can do another blood test?

i'm going to do 200mg a week, many people are cutting down to 150 but, I want to see if I can keep my estro in control at 200mg for the time being and later on cut it down to 150. I'm going to split up over 3 days a week, mon. wed. and fri. I'm going to be doing an injection 5 days a week, since one day for B12 and then the other day for HCG, but I'm doing them all with slin pins so maybe it wont' be that bad but, hopefully I'll feel improvements that will make it worthwhile.

I'm going to take .5 mg anastrozle day after each test shot so 1.5mg a week currently I'm on 1mg E5D but, we'll see how it goes if splitting them up 3x a week keeps my test from peaking as much therefore keeping my estro down.
if i'm not looking to have kids should I lower my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to 250 units a week? I just don't want to shrink completely that's the reason I'm not quitting it altogether but, as I understand Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) also causes aromatization so I wonder if I should reduce it? Will 250 a week be enough to not have me shrink completely?
User, like you my Liver count was higher than is reccommended. I am not a drinker other than the occasional beer. However in years past I suffered from back problems and used to eat the advil and the motrin and I am wondering if it has taken its toll.

Anyone willing to offer what steps can be taken to bring the Liver count down within range ?
Well I'm going to start B12 injections probably next week, I'm not sure if it helps with bringing the liver count down but, it does seem to have benefits for the liver, it wasn't actually my purpose to use it for that but, I just noticed it in the paperwork/instructions that it helps with that. Here's a couple sites that briefly mention some benefits of B12 for the liver:

Vitamin B12 – Vitamin B12 Injections – B12 Vitamins | ANY LAB TEST NOW® Clarksville
Vitamin B12 Injections | MIC Plus Injections | Pharmacy Rx Solutions

In the instructions it talks about it in detail, I don't know for sure it will help with the liver count or not, or if it's only to help with fat loss but, on one of those sites above it does say that overall liver function is improved, then again I don't know if those sites are just trying to sell their product and if there's scientific studies that back up those statements. I guess I'll see what happens on my next blood test, plus I'm going to split up Aromatase inhibitor (AI) over 3x a week instead of taking 1mg E5D, and I hope by splitting up injections over 3x a week I'll be able to bring down the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), incase that's contributing to the higher liver count.
Your AST and ALT in the mid 30's are 100% fine.

You are well within the normal range values for these markers.

Nothing to be concerned about in that regard.

Your values would need to triple to reach a clinical level and only then would they actually look for acute causes.
Thanks for your feedback. Well that's good to hear but, I guess I'm just starting to get cautious because I thought it was showing a pattern of going up and if it went up this test, maybe it will continue going up. Since it looks like it has about doubled since my previous test where it was at 17 and now in the 30's I guess I was getting alarmed that it might keep continuing to go up since it has doubled.
Seems like alot of guys are inclined to run their test levels right at the upper part of the bell curve , mans nature I suppose . ~Bo
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Well the over 5 was back in October, I had ridicliously horrible lifestyle health wise, I was drinking 6-8 beers a night, had an alcohol problem, used to drink more than that for years and had "cut down" to that much. I was eating fast food every day, I was at about 180 lbs. once I had that first blood test done and glucose was at 270 and was being told by the dr. that I could have diabetes and if I don't get the sugar in control I'll have to get on sugar meds. it made me want to change my ways since I was freaking out about the idea of having to pin insulin the rest of my life.

Since then I eat as healthy as possible, on occasion I'll eat out but, usually it's baked fish or chicken breast every night, and then I follow 3J's diet as well.

I take two softgels of Triple Strength Fish Oil every night but, I just started that recently since I've read people say their bad cholesterol has increased after starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and so I just take that as a precaution I'm not sure if it's enough to prevent it from negative effects happening because of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but, just take it anyway.

I never really tried to target the cholesterol specifically at the time my sugar / diabetes was the major concern but, just changing my diet I suppose made it change.
Thats great because I will follow this diet 100% and then see if I can make it a lifestyle. I also eat a ton of fast food and processed chips, etc. My ratio is about 5.3, but luckily I stay away from a lot of high glycemic carbs and my glucose is well under 100.

My goal is to lose weight obviously, but be as healthy as I can. If I could get anywhere near 2.2 I would be happy, same with my BP I want under 120/70 and I want to be at a solid 210 or so.

I am taking 6g of fish oil, coenzyme10, red yeast rice, etc. So with following his plan I believe I can acheive all I want. I can't believe how excited I am.

Thanks for the reply unique. You give me extra motivation.
I'm pretty sure it's the fast food, that stuff is poison. I think I had a burger last week or so, the first in months probably and I was feeling guilty eating it and after lol I do eat a lot of fish so probably that also helped, I eat it every day at least once sometimes twice, usually it's baked tilapia every night and then during the day if it's not baked chicken it can be tuna. I hope I don't get mercury poisoning or something with all the fish I'm eating lol

anyway i wasn't too clear, are you going to work with 3j? If so, he'll get you setup correct, just let him know about your cholestrol and he'll setup your diet / meals accordingly, I had to tell him about the glucose at the time so he setup the plans accordingly.

Best of luck, keep us updated on your progress!
Ok, I just got my 6 week blood results from PrivateMD Labs after switching to 3x shots a week. My estrogen is still high but, it did lower a little more than 10 points from the last test. I guess it must be the HCG? I thought after switching to 3x a week and the lower peaks that I would have been in range. So, should I increase AI? Or should I try to cut Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in half to 250iu per week? I'm not concerned about fertility but, just dont' want my sack to shrink. I had really thought that I would have been able to cut Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to .25 so what should I do? Currently I take .5 Aromatase inhibitor (AI) one day after each shot, should I change this to EOD ? would it make that much difference? because I'm on 3x shots a week I already take the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) every tues. thurs. sat. Maybe I should switch to 2x shot per week (was considering this recently) and then take 1mg Aromatase inhibitor (AI) after each shot? Or 1mg 3x a week because of the half life?

At least my test is in range now. Also my liver count is continuing to go up. I had started MIC shots about 6 weeks ago, was hoping from what I read about it about how it detoxifies the liver that it would decrease my AST/ALT numbers.

Here are my numbers - 6-18-12

Glucose 96
Bun 19
Creatinine 0.92
eGFR 110
Calculated Bun/Creat 21
Sodium 138
RBC 5.44
Hemoglobin 15.9
Hematocrit 48.4
Lymphs 31
Testosterone 1222
Estradiol 45
LH <.2

any feedback would be appreciated,

Hey bro- I like those total test numbers. Thats a good place to be at.

Too bad those E2 numbers are not lower.

I am very interested in this because I also switched to the 3X week injections in hope of keeping the estrogen spikes at bay. I need to get blood work done soon.
Currently I am taking the same Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) has you but my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is taken as follows: 1mg tues, .5mg thurs, .5mg sat

maybe just bump up your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) every so slightly and youll be good.
great info and I love reading stuff so I can learn. But looking at your T levels from the start you were in 400's couldnt you with diet and exercise raise that naturall and not mess with shots.
Hey bro- I like those total test numbers. Thats a good place to be at.

Too bad those E2 numbers are not lower.

I am very interested in this because I also switched to the 3X week injections in hope of keeping the estrogen spikes at bay. I need to get blood work done soon.
Currently I am taking the same HCG has you but my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is taken as follows: 1mg tues, .5mg thurs, .5mg sat

maybe just bump up your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) every so slightly and youll be good.

Yeah, I'm going to increase Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to 1mg 3x a week now. Also I'm going to switch to 2x a week shots since my main reason to do 3x was I thought my estro would be in control and since it's not and I still have to increase Aromatase inhibitor (AI), I might as well do 2x a week. Also, starting next week I'm going to try to cut back on HCG to 250iu a week and see if I notice any shrinkage or not. If I do then I'll have to bring it back up, if not then I'll continue it and hopefully it would help in estro issues.
this past friday I changed my hcg dose to 250iu a week instead of 500iu. if this dose isn't working does anybody know how long it would take for me to notice shrinkage?
Don't sweat the shrinkage over short term. It takes about a month or so to shrink. A good 350mg HCG injection can bring them back in as little as 2 days from my experience.

My T is currently at .4 X 210 = 84mg e3d