Blood Results - feedback appreciated

Don't sweat the shrinkage over short term. It takes about a month or so to shrink. A good 350mg HCG injection can bring them back in as little as 2 days from my experience.

My T is currently at .4 X 210 = 84mg e3d

did you mean 350iu ?

how long have you been on that protocol 84 mg e3d, how is it working out how are your test and estro levels?
did you mean 350iu ?
Yea 350 iu

how long have you been on that protocol 84 mg e3d, how is it working out how are your test and estro levels?
Started it about a month ago. I was on .7 x 210 e5d and my tt was only 694.10. But it had a range from 250-890. I don't convert much. My e2 was only 13 on 1/2 e2.5 days