Blood work back low test, possibly from last cycle?


New member
Guys I just got my blood work back and was surprised to see I have a test level of 270. This was the first blood work i've ever had done never realized the importance of them before. I did get off a short cycle last month. Two weeks, test prop 100 ED, tren 75 EOD and Dbol 50 ED. I do short cycles becouse of work don't have another option.

But anyways could the last cycle keep my test low? I feel fine great sex drive plenty of energy, no nad shrinkage ect. Didn't do a PCT had some Clomid but with the short cycle dont normally do a PCT. Lipids and all other profiles where in normal range, just low test.

Since I don't know what my normal test level is I guess hard to say but figured I would feel, well bad but I don't. Plan to wait a couple weeks and do another blood work to see if its moving up or if that's really my normal level.

Is there any other guys out there with such low numbers but also feel fine? just figured id feel something.

If it was the cycle that made it lower what time frame does your test levels come back up to normal? The blood work was done about 3 1/2 weeks after last pin.
Guys I just got my blood work back and was surprised to see I have a test level of 270. This was the first blood work i've ever had done never realized the importance of them before. I did get off a short cycle last month. Two weeks, test prop 100 ED, tren 75 EOD and Dbol 50 ED. I do short cycles becouse of work don't have another option.

But anyways could the last cycle keep my test low? I feel fine great sex drive plenty of energy, no nad shrinkage ect. Didn't do a PCT had some Clomid but with the short cycle dont normally do a PCT. Lipids and all other profiles where in normal range, just low test.

Since I don't know what my normal test level is I guess hard to say but figured I would feel, well bad but I don't. Plan to wait a couple weeks and do another blood work to see if its moving up or if that's really my normal level.

Is there any other guys out there with such low numbers but also feel fine? just figured id feel something.

If it was the cycle that made it lower what time frame does your test levels come back up to normal? The blood work was done about 3 1/2 weeks after last pin.

just guessing that the vets are going to roll in and say

1. you're shut down, only takes a few days to get shut down, run pct
2. post bloods to get full picture of what's going on, need to see lh, fsh, e2 etc...
If you feel fine, why did you pull a blood test? I mean, you don't do PCT, and are looking at what is likely the result.

Not everyone will have raisins for nuts when suppressed, and sex drive is subjective. If you feel fine, you may simply be one of those that can function with low test, or don't remember what it's like to have healthy testosterone levels. I went ten years that way, so I know how easy it is to overlook.

My .02c :)
Without PCT, it could be several months to get your T back. Or it may never come back.

If I were you I would run PCT (Clomid + Nolva) now and start learning how to run better cycles in the future.
Thanks guys, the reason I did the blood work was since I've been reading this forums I've learned allot of what my previous mistakes where so did the blood work to get a better understanding what im doing.

Was also curious about my lipids since I was eating unusually amounts of red meat last month. Basically steak everyday was in South Africa last month and the steaks and wine cheap as can be. Plus they really know how to make a good steak!

Thanks for the education on this site i've learned allot. As you guys are well aware I think the vast majority of us, or at least in my circle start aas through our bros and the misinformation is vast in the proper use.

I've done similar cycles over the years and never really had any sides so not worried about it to much, although was the first time with tren normally just test prop and dbol or anadrol but as been mentioned maybe i'm just used to low T and not noticing the sides. I'm in Hong Kong now so ill start my PCT in a few days when i'm home and redo the blood work in a couple weeks. I'll keep it posted as to what's happening.

Thanks again guys.