Blood work done & starting first cycle on 21/10. YOUR INPUTS!!!


New member
At last I got my blood work done. I did a complete regular checkup, bichemistry and hormones. Posting you the results. Since most (all) of the lingo and measurements are unknown language for me, I would appreciate your inputs.

Cycle is:
1-6 weeks: 500mg TE-injections (2doses weekly a 1ml/dose) and 50mg Dianabol (daily) together with 0.5mg ADEX ED/EOD
6-12 weeks: 500mg TE-injections (2 doses weekly a 1ml/dose) together with 0.5mg ADEX ED/EOD
13-14 weeks: Only 0.5mg ADEX ED/EOD.
15-18 weeks: PCT with only Nolvadex (40/40/20/20) and Clomid (50/50/50/50)

Considerations: I will start with Adex at 0.5mg ED and then if I think I can handle it go down to 0.5mg EOD. If I feel puffines/gyno I will go back to 0.5mg ED (and post for help on here)

I been recommended to drop of the Adex concentrations gradually in order to avoid estrogen rebound. So, my question is WHEN & HOW would that be. I am thinking of sticking with constant 0.5mg ED/EOD until I get to week 13 and 14. During these two weeks I cut down the concentration. Maybe 0.25mg EOD or 0.5mg every third day? Does it sound good? Then during PCT I only do Nolvadex/Clomid.

I will be doing this without any HCG. So I am aware that my nuts will shrink (muscular atrophy). But will the nuts regain back to "normal" size after the cycle (not immediately though, might require some time)?
Is the main/only reason for taking HCG to preserve nut-size or does it have any other advantages for the muscle-growth as well?
What are your stats?
lifting experience
body fat

What does your diet look like?

You should consider a Test only cycle for your first cycle as you will not know how your body will react to the different compounds so if you have any negative sides you will not know which compound is causing them.
Start your adex at .25eod and gradually increase if needed. When you taper down off of it do that in the same fashion. Say your using .5ed at that point for some reason, which you shouldn't need that much most likely. You would do a few days of .375, then a few days of .25, then a few more days of .125 then off. I suggest you do this at least a week after you have started your PCT so that the nolva is in your system to block any affects of gyno if you do have any estrogen rebound. The dbol you should split up throughout the day, if you can do 10mg 5x a day that would be best, but at least do 20,20,10 or something unless you decided to take all of it preworkout. I would only run that for 4wks to save your liver. Run NAC at 2400mg while on the oral and 1200mg while just on the test for this. Your balls should grow while you take the clomid and nolva and recover from the cycle. HCG is not an absolute necessity. Your HDL is a little high. I would start 5 grams of HIGH QUALITY fish oil a day and 200mg coq10 a day. Consider also using N2guard from NTBM for cycle support. Your prolactin is a bit high too. I would start 200mg of b6 every day for this. It should help some but if you have access to caber it wouldn't hurt to supplement this .5 twice a week while on cycle to avoid any further aggravation when your estro levels go up from the gear.
What are your stats?

30years. 1.79cm, 75kg, body fat- dont have any %.
Average fit.
Been going to the gym on a off & on basis for the last 10 years (3years on, 2years off, 1 year on, 1year off, 2years on etc)
Currently, it is 6days a week. Separate muscle-groups/day

Almost 750g of low fat minced beef for lunch & dinner /day 3days of the week.
6 filets of Chicken (and/or) Turkey for lunch & dinner/day (the other 3days of the week)
Breakfast usually is servings of granola, yoghurt & protein. Thoughout the day I take 3servings whey protein isolate (each serving: 3scopes & 400ml water (or milk). Fruits (canned peaches) at evening.

I limit my carb-intake as a post-workout meal together with the protein shake.
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Start your adex at .25eod and gradually increase if needed. When you taper down off of it do that in the same fashion. Say your using .5ed at that point for some reason, which you shouldn't need that much most likely. You would do a few days of .375, then a few days of .25, then a few more days of .125 then off. I suggest you do this at least a week after you have started your PCT so that the nolva is in your system to block any affects of gyno if you do have any estrogen rebound. The dbol you should split up throughout the day, if you can do 10mg 5x a day that would be best, but at least do 20,20,10 or something unless you decided to take all of it preworkout. I would only run that for 4wks to save your liver. Run NAC at 2400mg while on the oral and 1200mg while just on the test for this. Your balls should grow while you take the clomid and nolva and recover from the cycle. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is not an absolute necessity. Your HDL is a little high. I would start 5 grams of HIGH QUALITY fish oil a day and 200mg coq10 a day. Consider also using N2guard from NTBM for cycle support. Your prolactin is a bit high too. I would start 200mg of b6 every day for this. It should help some but if you have access to caber it wouldn't hurt to supplement this .5 twice a week while on cycle to avoid any further aggravation when your estro levels go up from the gear.

The only problem with the Adex I have is that they aren´t suitable to be cut in 4 pieces (0.25mg). I could give it a try, but I guess it would just affect the dosage-concentration badly and lose its even concentration-intake.
In that case I would suggest that instead of 0.25mg EOD (with badly cut tabs) I could go with 0.5mg E3D (every third day)?
0.5mg E3D and increase it to 0.5mg ED if needed.

About tapping down the Adex: I am getting a lot of different inputs. Some people tell me there is no need of taking Adex during the PCT at all and it is enough lowering the concetrations during week 13-14 before the PCT.
But if I am understaning it right, you suggest I stick with Adex at decreasing concentrations even during my first week of PCT.

I really want to avoid estrogen rebound, so maybe I should go with what your are saying:
- stable concentrations of Adex during week 13-14
- decreased concentrations of Adex during my first week of PCT together Nolva & Clomid.
- 3 last weeks of PCT stick only with Nolva & Clomid.

I also been suggested taking Nolv/Clomid at 100mg/day during the first week. Seems a bit too high though.

The Dbol comes in 25mg capsules. So I was thinking of doing 2tabs (50mg) at once each morning before my workout.
Will do it for 6weeks (unless otherwise) but back it up with NAC liver protection. On this matter, I been given the same advice as your saying. 2400mg daily split into 2 doses (900-1200mg in the am and the same in the pm) while on Dbol. And when I finish the oral and only on injectable 1200mg daily is recommended.

My supplier is out of HCG, and its a bit expensive. And I am more worried bout gyno than shrunken nuts. Although Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will help my recovery and help the HPA back to normal. I was thinking of skipping it for my first cycle and doing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on my second cycle.

Yeah, the prolactin is bit high. Been adviced taking 200mg of b6/nettle root.
I will be taking AI´s to comabt test-induced gyno. So taking caber (cabergoline) as a other way to prevent prolactin-induced gyno is a good idea. Unfortunatley my supplier is out of caber.
When should I start taking caber would you recommend? Mid-way through the cycle, only in post cycle therapy (pct), or from start? I am not sure when I can get it from my supplier. And also, that stuff is shit expensive!!!! 15pounds for one single week!!! And I have 16weeks of cycle!

Sorry for the lenght response. I hope I havent bore you to death!
my arimidex doesn't cut into 1/4's either, but with enough patience, you can cut them pretty close, or into thirds. Usually when I cut it (with a sharp knife) in half, it breaks into 3 relatively equal pieces. The doses don't have to be perfect.
Your GFR is at 66. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best measure of kidney function. The GFR is the number used to figure out a person stage of kidney disease. Here in the states a GFR like yours would be considered CKD II Chronic Kidney Disease stage 2. The range here is 60-89. Not not trying to scare you as your test still has a 66 as wnl's. I personally would avoid any Tren products and keep a good eye on my B/P.
Your GFR is at 66. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best measure of kidney function. The GFR is the number used to figure out a person stage of kidney disease. Here in the states a GFR like yours would be considered CKD II Chronic Kidney Disease stage 2. The range here is 60-89. Not not trying to scare you as your test still has a 66 as wnl's. I personally would avoid any Tren products and keep a good eye on my B/P.

Hehe,,, nah. Not scared, neither suprised about the GFR. I have had kidney-stones in the past and also been taking quite high/toxic compounds that werent so "liver/kidney friendly".

Anyways. 4th day of the cycle. Not feeling so much yet, which I guess I wont either until maybe 2weeks into the cycle.
I had taken one week of the gym, and did my first pass while on the cycle this week. I feel that I had lost a bit of stamina.
Couldn´t do my regular workout scheme: 4x12sets nor any jumbo-sets with 1min rest in between. Had to push my self just to do 3x12.
So it feelt a bit weird. Not really expecting that my first cycle ever will make me gain 20kg of muscles or anything, but it really feels weird until I can see the results.