began with Cyp started at 450 up to about 600/week with Deca at 250 since week 8 until week 16. (diluting a 200deca/250test mix from psl with more test) have to dilute due to PIP.
yes, 500 hcg EW, Proviron each day 100mg, adex at .25 or .05 eod or as I feel I need. I may back off just a tad on the adex. Also ran clen for 3 week, have more comming. was going to finish with some Dball 6 weeks then a month of just test before PCT. I also considered bridging with Mastron for 8 weeks and then pct so It wasnt just a drop off from a nice stack to zero.
Did my estrogen look too low or is that where we want it ?