Blue Heart Dbol (effective? safe?) HELP!


New member
So here's a little about myself for starters.

5'7" 160lbs. 22 years old. Military.
I trained for 3 years straight, all natural. Took at two year hiatus, and have been back in the gym for about 6 months.

I lift every day heavy training. I constantly am pushing myself for gains. On Sundays I generally do cardio and stretching.
All in all I'm in the gym for about 90 minutes a day.

Benchpress Squats Deadlift
From 135 for 8 From 135 for 12 From 135 for 10
To 225 for 6 To 285 for 8 To 295 for 6

I have recently been offered a chance to take Blue Hearts.
I've never taken anything other than whey protein and a natural test booster. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not.

Here is the scenerio in my mind

50mg of BH
Natural Test booster
Estro blocker
Whey protein
Milk Thistle

Afterwards I would take a post cycle therapy (pct) and slowly come off of the natural test booster. Keep the milk thistle.

Does this sound like a good plan?
I'm looking for constructive criticism. I understand that I'm no professional on this so trust me, the advice of the consensus will be taken as it's my health at risk.
You need to read first cycle posts, just use the search and search for first cycles. You need test only.