Body Fat and Winny V


New member
Ok I have finally got my body to a good place. I have been hit the gym hard for 2 years and diet is clean. I am down to around 11%bf and have good definition. I have some mass but not alot. Anyway. I have one problem area and I just can't get rid of it. I have a little body fat right around the belly button area. Not to much on the love handles. I have a 4 pack right now but cant get this bottom area. I have really toyed with the idea of Winstrol (winny) and other stuff.

I have used creatine..... Super pump. Plasmavol... I want to go to the next level. I have read alot about Winstrol (winny) V and others. I want that Hard look.

So my question is will taking Winstrol (winny) help me get rid of my problem area. Now I am not looking for a miracle just something to help the process. Also if anyone can help me with Winstrol (winny) PM me. Thanks and I look forward to your guys responses. LEt me know if a pic will help determin.
With 11% bf you probably won't see your lower abs. You need to drop your bf a bit more. Have you tried to reduce kcals and/or increase cardio?
good avatar!
I haven't tired to reduce calories to much. My diet is pretty clean so.... I suffer enough.... I could up the cardio but time is an issue. Just looking for an easier way. Love office space... MMMMYAHHHH
Winstrol will not burn fat, only a strict diet and cardio will help you lose those last few pounds. Have you tried Thermorexin or Yohimburn ES for Anabolic Fitness? Check this out...

It seems to help me with those stubborn areas. Also Lipo-6 from Nutrex is pretty good, too. A little milder and less intense than Thermorexin. :druggie:
Hey thanks I will check it out. Yeah I know I am also looking to harden up.
Hey JTI you dont' have a VW do you? Just taking a guess from your name.
Sorry made a quick glance. Tired this morning so wasn't seeing straight. Thanks again for the info. have you use the Thermo? NOt sure about the topical stuff.
I'm actually using it right now, it works very well with a low carb/high protein diet. The topical stuff works for some and not others.