body size dependent dosage?


New member
Does your body size affect the dosage amount? I'm 6'4 258lbs. 250mcg of frag 175-191 seemed small. It wasn't for me but I will be doing igf1 lr3 for my first peptide
Not sure but you may have to experiment if your are an above average lab rat. Plus consider if you want anti aging results? Healing? Very ultra slow lean tissue growth & some fat loss? Different goals may be different dosages.

I noticed for my rat the standard 100GHRH and 100GHRP 3 times a day was ok. But I'm a bit larger too and swapped it out for 200mcg of each twice a day. So far so good... my best guess is unless you get side effects or some wacky blood tests of some sorts ... then it is alright. But maybe a more experienced researcher can confirm or explain better. :)
I will be doing it for all the reasons you stated. I will start off with 40-50mcg and see how it goes.

That is the safest way. I did the same. Tried 50mcg for my rat. Then 100... then 100 twice a day ... etc. So far for me 200 each x 2 seems to be about right. More may be better but then it starts to get a bit expensive. LOL :)