BODYOPUS for bulking

It's not a bulking diet and it's relatively strict. I can't imagine staying on it for 6 month, much less a year.
JohnnyB said:
Thanks Bro, I thought I was going to have to ask. I thought he was talking about Dan Dashane(spelling) book


yup, thats what he is talking about can BULK w/ this...the trick is during the recomposition phase the carb ratios increase steadily...i've tried this w/ great success...drop BF % and add lean muscle...if you dial it in on the OPUS,you really can't go wrong,but you must listen to your body and see what food groups work for you during the ketogenic portion and the recomp phase...there's a drug like effect that happens...i love it...
bro, can you give share some examples of the carb intake during recomp and how it would vary from the book? sounds interesting
you can bulk on it if you edit the cals per body weight formula, but to me that doesn't really make much sense, why use a cutting diet that is really hard to stay on to bulk with, when you can bulk just by eating all the yummy food that you can handle.
Even Dan Duchaine kinda poo-poo'd the idea of using the body opus diet for bulking.

It would make sense only if you were already at your target bf% and wanted to gain mass without adding any fat at all. Needless to say this would be slow and arduous.

Revolutionary at the time, I think it's more of a novelity now.

If you do a search for "CKD" or "Cyclic Ketogenic Diet" I'm sure you could find tons of information on it.

I don't know about everyone else, but I miss Dan... :(
My way of bulking is eat unlimited amounts of clean foods - grilled chicken breasts/fish/turkey, brown rice, baked potatos, broccoli, 3 protein drinks/day and limit real junk food to 1 day/week.
I never cared for the bloated moonface look.
I had a friend who was on this diet and I tell you got to be dedicated to it. It's an around the clock diet. He did really well on it, but he said it took a lot of dicipline. I am concidering the diet myself later on and combinig it with cutting cycle(s) or some thing. I don't think it was advised to stay on the diet too long but he said it did him well for what he wanted out of it, he just ended up getting burned out though that is the only down side. Hope this helps :)
RoadHouse said:
Damnt, someone explain this thing already who knows.

bro, you really got to get the book, once you read it, you will constantly be referencing it...
VERY simply put, you go with no carbs monday to friday, then start carbing up late friday until sunday... however, there is much more to it, and like i said, if you do it, you'll need to reference the book constantly for the first little while
what sets this apart from other diets...say the anabolic diet
is that you are required to have carbs EVERY 2 hours during your
weekend carb up phase.......which means you must get your ass out
of bed in the middle of the night and have some carbs..

so no carbs during the week

and carb up hardcore during the weekend

do a carb depletion workout-which means working out your entire body in one session just before our carb up

than work out your entire body in a two day split after your carb up.
i heard the book recommends t3 and clen to go with the diet, anybody know if dan gives any sort of protocol for using slin during the carb-load?