boldon(inj)+deca-durabolin(proprionate)(inj)+dianabol(oral) + clen


National Champion
i have run a small cycle of dbol +winny for 2 months in the past .so this will be my 2nd cycle.i placed 1st on the nationals of my country this year at bodybuilding classic category .
i am currently 1.90 height, 88 kg 10% bf,on stage i was 83 kg dehydrated
my goal for this cycle is to gain as much as possible muscle and weight and keep bf low. (next june >96kg leaned out ,there will be a winny-anavar cycle before ifbb contest to lean out )
my trainer provided these information for me .The cycle would be 3 months long , with boldon (inj) deca-durabolin proprionate(im a bit confused ive never before saw this type of deca , any info would be appreciated , its supposed to keep you lean and not pack you with extra water) and dianabol personal touch is clen since i want to keep my bf low
dieting would be like 300-400 grams of protein daily, with a lot of carbs spread through all day
protein( shakes, beef,chicken,fish,turkey)
carbs(rice, pasta, sweet potato )
a lot of tomatos for antioxidants and maybe some multivitamin

as of training i am confident and strong at this part im offering 100% of my self on it .
mon >chest,abs
wed> pecs,traps,calves
thur>bicep, triceps abs
fr>leggs ,calves,forearms
each day 5-10 min sprint on bike
the thing is i am 20 y.o , i have thought over this for 2 years , i simply cant wait for 3 more years to achiev my overal goal (100kg lean)
that is why my coach did not include testosterone in the cycle (stunt growth , sexual life permanent mess due to my age )

i am considered a newbie here , so please dont be hard on me .
i just want you to tell me if this cycle will help me pack serious loads of muscle
if by doing this cycle on normal and proper doses i will lose my hair ,or my penis wouldnt function
and if this cycle is foolish or not , just be honest and easy on me , comment properly and help me if you are kind enough .
respect &peace
For some of these guys to help you out on your cycle it's nice to have it all layed out so you can see it including pct for an example

Week 1-14 * 600mg Testosterone enanthate
Week 1-14 * *250iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) E4D
Week14-16 500iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) ED (ending 4 days before Pct)
Week 16-20 * 50mg clomid ED
Week 1-16 * *12.5mg Aromasin ED

It just makes it easier. I would also keep your cycle to a test only as you still don't really know how your going to react to these drugs! Good luck
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Deca durabolin propionate? That can't be right. (Deca durabolin) is the brand name for the steroid (nandralone decanoate) which was produced by organon pharmaceuticals. nandrolone is the compound and decanoate is the ester. decanoate is a long acting ester, so when people so commonly refer to "deca" its just the most common used term when talking about nandralone decanoate. Nandralone Phenylpropionate is the same thing as nandralone decanoate its just a much shorter ester. in other words they both do the same thing, only difference is the ester. Decanoate needs to be run for a longer duration and can be injected once a week. NPP can be run for a shorter duration and needs be shot at least eod. So back to you deca durabolin propionate... chances are its just regular nandralone decanoate, NPP is harder to come across and more expensive.
Test should be run by itself the first time around to see how you react to it. Other compounds like deca, tren, dbol, Winstrol (winny) all shut down your natty test production and won't replace it. that is why test should be included in every cycle, as a base. a lot of people are scared of needles so they think its okay to run oral only cycles. while they will see some quick results, they will lose their gains and harm their bodies natural ability to produce test. in other words, test injections replace your bodies natural test and it doesnt shut you down as hard as other compounds. other compounds do not replace your natty test, so you will start functioning like someone who has no testosterone in their body, aka a woman!