Boyfriend and steroids. Tren too much for newbie?

sounds like an infection/abscess he should to to ER ASAP...

I haven't actually taken his temp, he doesn't feel sick or feverish. I am assuming he is hot at night is normal with Tren, like guys get the night sweats. He isn't even aware that he is heating up the bed as he is a deep sleeper. But he is not sweating at night which is odd.

I gave him some hydrocortisone cream for the itchy rash and am alternating with Fenistil Gel (anti histamine gel) which helps a bit. Also oral Anti Histamines for skin (telfast). The rash is still there and I don't understand why it has spread so much around the upper arm, It is only localized to the upper arm but still, you'd think it would just be a small area at the injection site? The lump on his glute which I think is a 'granuloma' has shrunk a lot and is almost gone since ceasing glute injections.

Personally I think he could be allergic to the oil suspension? Unsure exactly what dose he is taking as he seems to do half mls(100mg) then every now and then a 1 ml (which is 200mg). I would say only about 200-300mg a week?
As several others have suggested I encourage your bf to do more research and def incorporate test as a base. As for tren being too intense... I used tren early and found that it worked amazing. lost weight, strength went through the roof and sex drive was almost undesirably high. occasional cough immediatelty after injecting but from what I've read its a common side effect. Tren in my opinion is not the scary compund its made out to be if used properly.
also tren did cause post injection pain at the site for about 12 hours (not allergy or infection). No mood changes. Cardio did go a bit into the crapper and body always felt like an oven lol.
Very entertaining thread! Madeleine, you should think about selling the rights to a movie studio. It would be a drama based biography on AAS abuse. You could title the movie "Everyone's Different"...