Anabolic 4: 1 :1 Extreme BCAA 100 servings per container!!!!!
Anabolic 4:1 :1 is an innovative, ground breaking Branch Chain Amino Acid (BCAA) supplement that is scientifically designed to help you maintain endurance, stamina, and ENERGY through out whatever your fitness endeavors may behold. Anabolic 4: 1 :1 Extreme BCAA uses a premium 4: 1:1 ratio of the primary Amino Acids L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine. Anabolic 4:1 : 1 will trigger your muscles to grow and recover like NEVER before! This incomparable dosing of BCAA enables your body to bust through your workouts explosively, resulting in muscle growth, and extreme levels of protein synthesis! Anabolic 4: 1 :1 will also help you to overcome the usual fatigue that your grueling workouts cause by clearing your body of all fatigue-inducing toxins! Anabolic 4: 1 :1 will take the normal hard training athletes of any degree to the next level, allowing themselves to train harder, longer with insane amounts of energy and endurance, while still allowing your body to recover at unheard of rates! We also have added vitamins C and B6 to enhance the absorption of our precise ratio of BCAA, with out B6, the transporting of the BCAA through out the muscles would be restricted.(In simple terms your BCAA would not be fully utilized!!!) No matter what your goals are Anabolic 4: 1 :1 will take your abilities to the next level! 2: 1 :1 ratios are a thing of the past!
Take your results to the EXTREME with Anabolic 4: 1 :1.
Although L-leucine is the most highly looked upon component of the BCAA family, and the heart of our product, we don't want you to think that L-valine and L-isoleucine are useless, so here are a few of their benefits:
· L-valine and L-isoleucine are used to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in the body.
· L-valine and L-isoleucine are used to repair and heal muscle tissue.
· L-valine is needed for metabolism within muscle cells.
· L-valine is found in high quantities in muscle tissues
· L-isoleucine has the ability to increase endurance and stamina.
· L-isoleucine's most intriguing use is its ability to maintain energy levels by regulating blood sugar levels.
But now for the part you have all been waiting for... the benefits of our superior amounts of L-leucine used in Anabolic 411:
Leucine is an essential amino acid (meaning the human body cannot synthesize it and it needs to come from dietary methods). Leucine has recently been growing in popularity due to its ability to initiate protein synthesis in skeletal muscle. Leucine does so by activating the anabolic pathway mTOR, which lets the body know that there is sufficient protein to begin synthesizing new skeletal muscle protein. Protein synthesis is initiated when there is a greater concentration of leucine in the mTOR pathway. Leucine will also cause a release of insulin, which will further encourage anabolism. Supplemental leucine is ideal for athletes looking to make changes in their physique because it can be used for its anabolic abilities while gaining muscle mass and its anti-catabolism properties while cutting fat. Leucine will also aid muscles in the recovery from the vigorous training of any type of athlete.