Bromocriptine related zoophilia


Community Veteran
Posted by Nandi12...

Ann Pharmacother 2002 Jul-Aug;36(7-8):1178-9

Possible zoophilia associated with dopaminergic therapy in Parkinson disease.

Jimenez-Jimenez FJ, Sayed Y, Garcia-Soldevilla MA, Barcenilla B.

"A 74-year-old patient with PD was treated with controlled-release carbidopa/levodopa 25/100 mg 3 times daily and bromocriptine 2.5 mg 3 times daily. Standard carbidopa/levodopa 18.75/187.5 mg 4 times daily was substituted for controlled-release levodopa, and the bromocriptine dose was increased to 15 mg/d. Parkinsonian symptoms, including motor fluctuations and dyskinesias, improved markedly.

"However, 5 days later, the patient developed severe hypersexuality. He made sexual propositions to his granddaughter, and several times was discovered trying to maintain sexual intercourse with a female family dog. The patient was then unaware of his behavior abnormality. The reduction of the dose of carbidopa/levodopa to 12.5/125 mg 4 times daily and bromocriptine to 12.5 mg/d led to the disappearance of hypersexuality within 2 days, with only a mild impairment of the motor function

"Zoophilia (bestiality) and hypersexuality, as well as other compulsive behaviors such as pathologic gambling, should be considered as forms of impulse control disorder that can be possibly associated with the use of dopaminergic drugs in advanced PD."
oh shit, thats the last thing i need to take. i gotta be the horniest fucker in the world without takin anything
It's true! Instances of hypersexuality in elderly patients w/ Parkinson's being treated w/ dopaminergic drugs have been well documented in the past (goosing the nurses, blatant propositions, etc).
Hadn't heard of the zoophilia angle, but I guess when you're hot, a twat's a twat!
BTW, Shakti, my 4 year old female golden lab, is looking PRETTY fine right about now!
What ever happened to just jerking off?? Really????? Did the old man get a hard on too? If I was that sexed out and couldnt get it up I think I would take my own life.
That's funny shit. But did you consider that the guy was just a sick fuck regardless of the bromo? What kind of person can fuck a dog, and, in the words of the author, be "unaware of his behavior abnormality." I have done some weird stuff (not involving animals, though), but I was always fully aware of how strange my behavior was.
Here I am trying to tell my cat I'm not a pervert, when all along I could have just shown him this study. Oh well, live and learn.