Bud Selig the worst commish ever!


Selig is the biggest weasel in the sports world. When contraction was being introduced, did we ever hear of the Milw. Brewers being contracted? No because his family owns the worst team on baseball and in a small market. Now the weasel is backpedaling like he didnt suspect players were using aas. He's an embarrasment to our national pastime.
Sweet Selig bashing!! I grew up in Milwaukee and him and his daughter screwed the Brewers like nothing. Take a look at some of the best current ball players and they at one time were owned, and sold by the Brewers. I hate that bastard.
Cal Ripken for commisioner! Too bad it will never happen. The owners vote for the commisioner, they would never elect an ex-player.

On a happier note, I'm going to see the Washington Nationals play the cubs May 15 at RFK.
Rules said:
Sweet Selig bashing!! I grew up in Milwaukee and him and his daughter screwed the Brewers like nothing. Take a look at some of the best current ball players and they at one time were owned, and sold by the Brewers. I hate that bastard.

Name some, I have no idea.
Waterfowl said:
Name some, I have no idea.

I remember them introducing Gary Sheffield when I was a kid. I hear names now when watching games and I go, damn that guy played for Milwaukee! The rest probably wouldn't matter to someone not from Milwaukee... Vaughn, Molitor. Guys that were really helping the team were traded for money. In the end we (the tax payers) ended up buying them a new stadium.
Rules said:
I remember them introducing Gary Sheffield when I was a kid. I hear names now when watching games and I go, damn that guy played for Milwaukee! The rest probably wouldn't matter to someone not from Milwaukee... Vaughn, Molitor. Guys that were really helping the team were traded for money. In the end we (the tax payers) ended up buying them a new stadium.

WTF? The people of Milw. bought them the new stadium? Sounds like the Seligs use the team as their cash cow and never reinvest the money they make on players, Did you watch the hearings? Selig looked like a bufoon. His lawyer had to answer the tough questions. Why can't he be ousted? What would it take? He does'nt have the best interest of baseball in mind. Only his and his fellow owners wallets.
Selig is a joke, but David Stern has let the once great game of professional basketball turn into a mess. I can't even stand to watch the NBA anymore until the finals are played