My question is would it be possible to lean out on a muscle building phase? If usin different techniques in dieting, training, cardio, and supplementation could it be possible? I have been training for 2 years but only about 1.5 consistently and I'm 18 years old. Reason I ask is because I have a goal to compete in men's best physique next fall. I went from 90 pounds to 140 I got super lean from beginner gains but now I still need a bit more mass and less bodyfat to compete. I was even planning on using prop but I said I'm not going to take the easy way out. I'm to young as well( i have 6 vials of prop and tamox in hand :/) Hard to say no when you have a couple guys convincing you it's ok to cycle at young age.... Go figure. My goal is not to be huge but have a physique along the lines of lazar novovic. Any way thanks for the help guys! Appreciate it
if you want to see my transformation pics I can upload them as well.
Examples of different hybrids: calorie/carb cycling, fasted cardio, different training during weeks such as heavy or moderate weight, and different supplementation such as creating, bcaa, etc. thanks
Btw sorry about the grammar and spelling. iPhones suck!

Examples of different hybrids: calorie/carb cycling, fasted cardio, different training during weeks such as heavy or moderate weight, and different supplementation such as creating, bcaa, etc. thanks
Btw sorry about the grammar and spelling. iPhones suck!
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