Building Muscle on a Caloric Deficit


New member
So my dad is extremely thick headed. He doesn't want to train back or shoulder bc he doesn't want to get bulky because he's 5 9". I'm trying to tell him that he's not going to gain muscle, to look bulky, if he's eating below his maintenance calories (which he is). Can anyone link me with something they've read in the past that supports what I'm trying to tell him.

(all natural by the way. i know gear changes things)

Thank you
Good to hear, Im 5 9" too and your right about the bulkiness. Good to know hes keeping it natty. Keep us posted after you get some good advice here.
By not training back, you dad could start getting posture problems. Rolled shoulders, etc. There is always a right way and a wrong way to train
Building muscle on a caloric deficit is possible through resistance training and adequate protein intake. Even with fewer calories, the body can still build and maintain muscle, especially for beginners or those with higher body fat percentages. Back and shoulder exercises won't necessarily make someone bulky unless they're eating in a surplus. It's a slow process, but achievable for a leaner, healthier physique.