Bulk cycle advice needed.


New member
Ok its been years since my last cycle and its bulking time.

I want to know if i should run test e/c or sus250?
Have used both in the past.

Will also be running deca and dbol to kick start.

Using nolva as post cycle therapy (pct).

Ten or twelve weeks with test c or e 500 mgs should be good. What dose of deca will you run? Sustenon is good, but that should be injected once every three days to keep your levels steady. Is this your second cycle then? If so, just stick with test and deca.
Ten or twelve weeks with test c or e 500 mgs should be good. What dose of deca will you run? Sustenon is good, but that should be injected once every three days to keep your levels steady. Is this your second cycle then? If so, just stick with test and deca.

Agreed. OP, you mentioned Deca as a kick start? Run that the whole way through. I'd go 500mg each if this is your second cycle.
Deca will be 400 a week
Sus or test will be 500 week
Dbol (kick start) will be 30 a day / 6 days for 6 weeks

Nolvadex 20 a day for 7 days
10 a day for 14 days

Missing anything? ?
Use both at the same time. Clomid 50mg ED for four weeks, Nolvadex 40mg ED for two weeks then 20mg ED for two weeks. Use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on cycle if you have/can get it. 250iu 2 x per week. Start PCT two weeks after your last pin. No Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during post cycle therapy (pct). Use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Aromasin or Arimidex on cycle. You'll have to gauge the dosage yourself depending on estrogenic sides ie. water retention, blood pressure, libido, acne etc.