Bulk cycle with cut at the end


New member
Hey guys just thinking about this. Already started deca and test but thinking of maybe doing a cut after deca leaves my system. Here is my cycle as of right now:
6'3" ( was 164lbs when i was 18 ) at the same height. Trained natty till 21 and could never get over 180lbs.
23 ( yes i know wait till 25 but this is a choice i have already made and am trying to do it safe as possible ) Ran blood work post cycle overtime and always came back to normal.
training 7 years
ran two cycles before ( 1 per year of test 500 and test 500 deca400 kickstart with anadrol )

anadrol 50mg per week / 1-3 ( just had that much left over from previous cycle )
Deca 400mg per week/ 1-10
t350 at 525mg per week/ 1- 12
test prop 150mg per week/ 12-16
test ace 400mg per week/ 12-16 ( maybe )
winny or var for weeks 12-16 ( no experience with either )

running arimidex at .5mg 2x a week through whole cycle and till end of pct
HCG week 10-16 at 250u 2x a week

pct start 3 days after lest shot of prop as follows:
chlomid 100/100/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20

Started at 202 and half way through week 5 right now holding steady at 218-220

Obviously adjust diet accordingly if i decided to cut.

Open to opinions
i would jump start with the test prop or ace.. also it seems like allot of test i've run 9 cycles and i've never run over 800...how many cycles have u ran if u wish to tell... if u run var i would up it 2-4 weeks and winny a week or two if u have the gear for it... hope i was some help gl brudda