Bulking diet advice


New member
I am 20 years old, 5'9", 215lbs. Around 13-14% bf. Looking for the best diet to get to 225 and cut some fat along the way. What foods should i eat, how many calories/day, and how much protein?
I am 20 years old, 5'9", 215lbs. Around 13-14% bf. Looking for the best diet to get to 225 and cut some fat along the way. What foods should i eat, how many calories/day, and how much protein?

Trying to add weight and lower bf at the same time is virtually impossible. Its usually add mass then cut. Unless you have some kind of freak genes its not going to happen.

Post up your BMR/TDEE, you can get the info in 3J's sticky (First post, read it thoroughly)
I would take a close look at 3J's bulk diet in that same thread. I would increase you cals by about an additional 200 over his diet. You dont have to use the exact foods but looking closely at the foods he uses.

If your eating between 4200-4500cals you should be able to gain a few pounds a week and keep the bf in check. Its when you start eating like shit when you start packing on the fat. Try to put on clean mass so when its time to start your cut you wont have to kill yourself.

Do you currently do any cardio?