bulking diet help


New member
This is diet i came up with...need some helpl on macronutrient counting aswell as total caloric intake...let me know if me measurements are off. Little info about my self im 5'8" 185lbs. 18% bf been training for about 1.5 yrs. lookin to put on some muscle mass. this is a my diet. plz help...thanx

meal 1
1 cup of oatmeal 54g of carbs
4 whites 2 yolks 24g of protein
1scoop of whey in water 23g of protein

8oz of chicken breast 68 grams of protein
1.5 sweet potato 47g of carbs

1 can of tuna 39g of protein
2 slices of whole wheat bread 28g of carbs
small salad olive oil as dressing 8g of carbs

post workout
2 scoops of whey isolate 50g of protein
vitargo cgl 70g of carbs

meal 4 (approx. 1 hr)
8oz of chicken breast 68g of protein
1.5 sweet potato 47g of carbs
small salad w/olive oil

meal 5
fish or beef approx of 60g of protein
1.5 cup of rice 47g of carbs

meal 6
8oz of ff milk
2 scoops of whey 46g of protein
2tbsp of natty p.b.
hmmm are you sure that you are 18% bf? how did you have this measured?
if so, then I might suggest to cut before you aim to bulk first..

Otherwise this looks like a great diet for adding lean mass.
a few suggestions however..in your post workout meal remove the olive oil.. no fats there. Also the only sources of EFA's that Im seeing are from olive oil and natural peanut butter. while these are good choices Id reccomend getting in some flaxseed oil, fattyfish(or fishoil caps) or perhaps Udo's oil. aside from that.. looks good! :)
i measured it at a healthfair my job had. they put two electrodes on me one on my ankle the other on my arm. i dont know how accurate this is but it was 18%
hmmm those sort of tests arent very accurate IMO. it can be off as much as 5-8% depending on hydration levels. its best to get a caliper test done by someone experienced, this test too can be slightly off but gives you a more ballpark reading.