Bulking Diet Suggestions-- Lean Mass gaining.


New member
I'm 5'9" 165 lbs. Been training for about 3 years had to take a 8 month break in the middle due to incarceration. Bench-245 Squat- 355 Deadlift-330.( working on dead's heavily probably up from this weight now I have trouble with them due limitations) Looking to up my major lifts. Just giving a background and My main goal is to gain lean mass to get my weight up to 175 lbs+ I give myself a cheat meal once a week to make all this worth it and reasonable to stick to.

Estimated Totals: 3200-3300 calories 100 g fat 330 g protein 200 g carbs
(based on calorie counters on the internet)

(everything is spaced out in 2-3 1/2 hour periods)

5eggs and a vegetable smoothie
1 1/2 chicken breast's w/ cup of brown rice and a small serving of broccoli

next meal:
Ground beef with brown rice large serving
before workout:
Chicken breast w/ cup of brown rice
beta-alanine and caffeine and BCAA

after workout: whey protein shake with bcaa's and glutamine w/ 1% milk
chicken breast w/ cup of brown rice and a small serving of broccoli

before bed: Casein protein shake w/ 1% milk

**Chicken is cut up and cooked in olive oil for a little flavor with just salt and pepper as seasoning. Also, use hot sauce on all of it for more flavor since I prepare for 4+ days ahead of time on the weekend.

Estimated Totals: 3200-3300 calories 100 g fat 330 g protein 200 g carbs
(based on calorie counters on the internet)
Based on the TDE calculator on here my suggested is:
TDE: 2784-3008 (don't have my exact body fat %)

****With all this being said I'm wondering how to change up the diet to fit in more carbs and how necessary this is with still reaching the calorie requirement. I understand the readings I guess would just like some personal experience on why the additional carbs instead of protein when I've also read a lot of things that too much protein isn't going to hurt me in anyway.
At the moment I'm adding in 2 servings of oatmeal at/ right after breakfast depending on how much I can stomach at the time.*******

Any suggestions and Comments are welcome and would be greatly appreciated.
well i would start by reducing fat in the place of carbs.. 330g carbs would be overkill for you

i would have it like this

250g protein
400g carbs
the rest in fats
appreciate that. maybe ill go w/ egg whites to cut out a lot of the unnecessary fat and maybe add in a whole wheat pasta.
When you say 330g carbs would be overkill your meaning that the protein I'm having is a little excessive and I could drop that down correct?
Should I really have my carb's that high even though I'm already at 18%bf based on the pic I posted earlier and your guess on that %. I was thinking to have them lower to keep BF % lower? I realize I might be over-thinking this knowing I can't exactly bulk and cut at the same time just had an idea that would help not make it get too high.
AAS included. I know I probably should've waited another 10+lbs ahead of time but I already made that decision and will be taking a large break from it afterwards. Not trying to justify it and understand i got ahead of myself but, looking at it for what it is now.
Currently on my fourth week.
AAS Setup is:
Wk 1-10 400 mg Super Test/wk (blend of 100mg prop 150mg cyp 150mg eth) 200/mg 2x a week mon/thurs
HCG 250iu's 2x a week (Started in week 3)
(I have access to an AI at any time if any symptoms occur stopping immediately and going nolva+ai)

PCT: Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
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are you doing this naturally or with the help of gear???
what kind of nutritional difference should this make to my diet plan? that's why i personally had protein so high. Thanks again for all the answers i appreciate the advice.
well, i would start with the suggestions i have made above..

you should actually go to my free diet advice thread and check out post 1.. i have a sample bulking diet in there to give you an idea
appreciate that a lot, I'll be reading all the info and posted the extra's I didn't have added when I make the suggested macro changes.
and if your ever interested in having a professional set you up and take care of your nutrition check me out
