

need to graduate college
didn't really know which forum to put this is, either diet or training, im wondering whats the best workout for bulking, what are some good bulking suppliments, i finished my n02+creatine cycle a week back, and gained about 7 lbs, im at 163, trying to get to 200 by next xmas, any other ideas other than maaad protien and a lot of carbs?
hmlacrosse said:
didn't really know which forum to put this is, either diet or training, im wondering whats the best workout for bulking, what are some good bulking suppliments, i finished my n02+creatine cycle a week back, and gained about 7 lbs, im at 163, trying to get to 200 by next xmas, any other ideas other than maaad protien and a lot of carbs?

focus on your core movements. squat, bench, deads and heavy back work. the rest will take of itself. oh yeah, eat like a pig too.
I would start with doing some compound movements:

barbell row,t-bar
chins, pulldowns
Incl barbell

Stay away from too many machines stay with free weight for most things.
I have to agree with fatchops, basic compound movements. Heavy Squats and deadlifts, I also like weighted dips. Eat more, I add a protein supplement with whole milk, along with 5 to 6 meals a day.
just eat like an animal
train like a mad man
dont neglect cardio
drink lots of water 1us gallon a day for me
get at least 8 or 9 hrs sleep
Big basic compound movements, fairly low volume, few day a week in the gym, HARD WORK, good food, lots of sleep...focus on progressive poundages in small to tiny jumps.
Don't follow routines of the pro's.

