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Is it possible to bulk-up naturally and keep the same body fat percentage throughout the bulking phase?
I thought of it this way:
If a person weighed 200 lbs @ a body fat of 10%, that means his lean mass would be 180 lbs. If that person made gains of 20lbs of which 2lbs were fat, that means that his body fat percentage will remain the same after bulking. Is that possible?
It is possible, but your diet and training would have to be absolutely spot on. If you give yourself a little leeway you'll likely make better gains in muscle mass, but yes it is theoretically possible.
I agree that loosening the diet a bit, and accepting some body fat increase would yield better muscle gains. Yet, cutting that fat naturally would give an even result at the end of the day. Therefore, I see that keeping the diet dead-on and skipping the cutting part (or at least keeping it to a minimum) would make me feel better. But that's just me!
To gain 20lbs w/ that minimal a fat gain would take a very long time. Were as if you were a little looser w/ diet u may only gain 12-14lbs of muscle and the rest fat. but that small amount of fat could be burned of relatively quickly w/ minimal muscle loss. So over all I think you could gain muscle quicker in this fashion. Unless of course you are near your peak as far as muscle mass goes.