Bumper Mind and Muscle Issue #40 is out NOW

Sputnik corp.

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Tabe of contents....ENJOY!

Corrective Methods For Common Postural Deviations: The Shoulder
by Marc McDougal

Thyroid Hormone & Growth Hormone by Anthony Roberts &
James Daemon, PhD

Finding Trust in the Shadow of Big Brother
by Will Carroll

Lactoferrin: The Amazing Milk Protein
by Benson Danneskjold

Explosive Lifting for Muscle Growth
by Robbie J.Durand

Biotransformation Enzymes & their Modulation:Cytochromes P450
by Serge P. Parel

Neuroendocrine Control of Appetite & Energy Expenditure
by Marc Collins

The Skinny-Fat Ectomorph Part I
by Kelly Baggett

Post-Competition Perils: Hyperphagia, Adipose Overshoot, & Dysphoria
by J.D. Haltigan

i like your articles

the finding trust article was solid.

my favorite so far was the max caloric deficit for fat loss article.
