Bunk Caber / High Prolactin / Like Trying to Push a Rope


Throwing Cookies
Started out my 3rd Tren cycle about 5 weeks ago.
Tren e 700mg/week
Test e 350mg/ week
Stane 12.5 eod
Caber 1mg/week split doses

Had some issues being soft during sex. Had bloods done and it showed my prolactin high at 20.4ng/ml

Since then
Tren e 700mg/week
Test e 500mg/week
Stane 12.5 ed
Caber 2mg/week
Same issues

At this point I'm thinking my caber is bunk. Got it from muscle depot. Solutions? Good caber source? I have prami from previous clycles. Can I change to that without other problems.
Thanks for the help in advance!
I friggin HATE prami. Messes up my sleeping. Other sides are worse I guess. Mrs. Oz feeling like its her fault.
I friggin HATE prami. Messes up my sleeping. Other sides are worse I guess. Mrs. Oz feeling like its her fault.

What did estradiol come back at? Bumping up your test probably made things worse btw as that stane dose looks pretty low to begin with. In most guys high estradiol leads to high prolactin; I'd increase that stane dose and either wait it out, or pick up prami from RUI. Word to the wise, caber cannot come from an RC shop; they can only sell LIQUID research chems, and caber isn't stable in liquid form. So it's either prami, or hoping a UGL carries legit caber.

My .02c :)
Half I read some of your other posts on the issue before I posted this. Sounds like you've been here before. View attachment 563452

Can't get much from the e2 reading bc the Tren is messing up the numbers correct?

And the caber IS in pill form.
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Half I read some of your other posts on the issue before I posted this. Sounds like you've been here before. View attachment 563452

Can't get much from the e2 reading bc the Tren is messing up the numbers correct?

And the caber IS in pill form.

Yep, the trens certainly messing up your e2 result. Your caber is bunk regardless of what form your taking it. You'll just need to find another trustworthy source for pill caber or switch to Prami. I hate prami too so I know what you mean.. Start with lower doses and slowly work it up. Better than not performing.

Like Half said you might consider upping the AI as well... you will be kind of shooting in the dark with the biased blood readings, but hopefully you know roughly what you need on that dose of test. It's very likely it is high on that much test with that little stane..
Yeahhh, pretty much have to agree with what Prince said. It sucks that non sensitive essays can be messed up with tren, so fine-tuning is tough at best. I hate calling stuff bunk, but either you need much more than you're taking, or it's a sugar pill. I'd up the stane for a week and see how you feel in the interim. Yes, I've been paid a visit by the floppy-dick fairy; and it's definitely no fun for you or your girl. I keep a bottle of prami in my fridge, even though I'm a super estradiol-nazi, as I really don't want to be there again.

It takes around a week or so before you can clear things up, hopefully increasing the dose of both (I'd go 25mg ED of the stane and certainly up that caber dose to .5mg ED unless you start to get sick) and see how things go. :)
Increasing the test dose in my previous cycles ALWAYS made the sides worse. Sexual included. Seems illogical but as they say we are all different

Caber probably bunk like the other guys have said