Bunk vial of Test Enanthate?


New member
I had ordered a couple vials of **** Test E to use for my cycle and got a batch number on all the vials I ordered that was verified by lab tests on anaboliclab to be dosed at 275mg/ml. I am 6 weeks into my cycle with this test e and I gained a lot of weight on the first vial of test, but after I switched to the 2nd vial, I lost about 6 lbs in a week and a half. I stopped taking my AI to see if I would start holding a lot more water to see if the product was bunk or not (to see if the test was aromatizing) and I haven't been on my AI for over a week and I haven't gained any bloat at all and continue to lose another 3 lbs. It just seems weird because this batch number tested strongly on anaboliclab and my first vial of test worked great, but ever since I switched to the 2nd vial, I've lost a lot of weight and water bloat, even when off my AI.
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Makes me a little nervous since I have 3 vials of **** myself, but I also ordered PSL to have too. I would just go with PSL next time. Have you gotten labs? Did you verify the batch numbers on the actual **** NO OUTSIDE WEB LINKS****
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Contact ur source...tell them..f they are worth a darn they will make it right.

Now for the hardass--we re dealing in intl drug lab s shipping..etc...it s a lesson learned..u got to get burned sometimes to see the light.
And it was 1 vial..not 5..chalk it up as wisdom and move on.