I hate cycling off.
Came across the cash to buy gear for my next two cycle, I'm on test E at 500 right now and won't be looking to cycle again until sept or October. Figured since I have the money now it would be good idea to make the purchase in case I'm short on cash when I want to start...and since I'm making an order might as week get that little bit extra for next time...
What I am thinking for a second cycle is....
Test E 600 mg per week for 12 weeks
Tbol 50 mg ED for 4 weeks
AI- Aromasin .25 EOD
Pct (2 weeks after last shot)
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Novladex 40/40/20/20
Third cycle
Test P 175 per week (10 weeks)
Tren A175 per week (8 weeks)
HCG 250iu twice per week
Cabar on hand
I will also be taking some liver support
PCT (3 days after last shot)
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Novladex 40/40/20/20
Hoping at a low dose I won't get meny sides on Tren but will get the benefits
I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but I can get good gear right now and want to use the opportunity. I already have some test P I was going to use to kick start my current cycle so I figured why not just buy 1 more vial and set myself up.
Any advise on what I am looking to get myself into would be appreciated, I am also as always open to other cycle suggestions. And I'm not a little girl I can handle criticism.
What I am thinking for a second cycle is....
Test E 600 mg per week for 12 weeks
Tbol 50 mg ED for 4 weeks
AI- Aromasin .25 EOD
Pct (2 weeks after last shot)
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Novladex 40/40/20/20
Third cycle
Test P 175 per week (10 weeks)
Tren A175 per week (8 weeks)
HCG 250iu twice per week
Cabar on hand
I will also be taking some liver support
PCT (3 days after last shot)
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Novladex 40/40/20/20
Hoping at a low dose I won't get meny sides on Tren but will get the benefits
I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but I can get good gear right now and want to use the opportunity. I already have some test P I was going to use to kick start my current cycle so I figured why not just buy 1 more vial and set myself up.
Any advise on what I am looking to get myself into would be appreciated, I am also as always open to other cycle suggestions. And I'm not a little girl I can handle criticism.