Calling any Type 2 diabetic bodybuilder with a Six Pack for Inspiration


New member
I am a type 2 diabetic.

My goal is to see my abs for the first time in my life. I have done everything possible, followed my diet to a T, regular to the gym and after giving it my best, for over 12 months, honest to God, I could only get down to 13%; not enough to see my abs. All I saw was a faint outline.

Now, I am asking, nay requesting, any type 2 diabetic bodybuilder who has gone further than me, to just show me a photo with them having a six-pack abs. That is all I'd need to hit the weights again with renewed intensity.

Please help by inspiring me.
The problem is not the diabetes. What body type are you. I'm an Ecto, and type 2 diabetic. I eat anything I want.
Your problem is still the diet, fat tissue and water. Simple Simon you might say to that statement but yes it is. Keep your training the same but add some aerobics (more) burn more fat off. Drink a lot of water. Water in, is water out, by flushing. Diet as though you were getting ready for competition an you can do it. Stay on your diabetic meds as you should.

Now I have told you nothing you don't already know, right! Well that's just it, work harder.