Came off first cycle after 2.5weeks...advice on PCT?


New member
I had planned to do a 12 week test e only cycle however I have decided to come off it for several reasons:

1. Started during the holidays..bad move..BF was uncomfortably high 2 weeks in. Estimate 16-18%, just too high for the beginning of a cycle and too high for me to feel good in the mirror.

2. May have pushed it a little too hard with a pretty intense 3 on 1 off chest/tri, back/bi, leg/shoulders split. Started to get lower back pains and had to back out of a shoulder workout due to minor pain around week 2. I've been down the shoulder injury road once and don't want to do it again.

3. Just booked a spring break trip on March 7 to Panama City. I will be much better off being as cut as possible, and don't want to waste my first cycle test gains cutting for this trip.

4. My poor diet made me realize im just not ready for a true cycle. I need to spend a longer length of time eating better and keeping lean before I ever try again.

Anyway, I am now 8 days since my last pin and approaching the 10 day PCT mark. My situation is different than what typical PCT schedules address and was looking for some advice on how to best bounce back my T levels.

Should I take HCG that I have, albeit at a lower dose? I was thinking maybe 2000mg over 10 days rather than 5000 as many suggest after a full cycle.

Is it necessary to take 20mg Nolva every day or should that be toned back as well? I assume estrogen rebound will be much lower considering the ~2.5week length of my cycle.

Any advice much appreciated.
I had planned to do a 12 week test e only cycle however I have decided to come off it for several reasons:

1. Started during the holidays..bad move..BF was uncomfortably high 2 weeks in. Estimate 16-18%, just too high for the beginning of a cycle and too high for me to feel good in the mirror.

2. May have pushed it a little too hard with a pretty intense 3 on 1 off chest/tri, back/bi, leg/shoulders split. Started to get lower back pains and had to back out of a shoulder workout due to minor pain around week 2. I've been down the shoulder injury road once and don't want to do it again.

3. Just booked a spring break trip on March 7 to Panama City. I will be much better off being as cut as possible, and don't want to waste my first cycle test gains cutting for this trip.

4. My poor diet made me realize im just not ready for a true cycle. I need to spend a longer length of time eating better and keeping lean before I ever try again.

Anyway, I am now 8 days since my last pin and approaching the 10 day PCT mark. My situation is different than what typical PCT schedules address and was looking for some advice on how to best bounce back my T levels.

Should I take HCG that I have, albeit at a lower dose? I was thinking maybe 2000mg over 10 days rather than 5000 as many suggest after a full cycle.

Is it necessary to take 20mg Nolva every day or should that be toned back as well? I assume estrogen rebound will be much lower considering the ~2.5week length of my cycle.

Any advice much appreciated.

PCT is should be 16 to 21 days after last pin.

Only being 2.5 weeks have you considered getting bloodwork to see if you actually shut down?

Privatemdlabs have the result in a couple of days. Why do the PCT if not needed? Just a thought
I would not take hcg now during pct nor do I think you even need it after 2.5 weeks. HCG suppresses LH so using it in pct will not be a good idea when your trying to recover. I would do the nolva everyday and do you not have any clomid? Did you not run an AI?? Before you start next time make sure you have nolva AND clomid as well as some adex or aromasin and HCG and make sure to run the HCG during your cycle not in pct. You should recover from 2.5 weeks fairly easy
PCT is should be 16 to 21 days after last pin.

Only being 2.5 weeks have you considered getting bloodwork to see if you actually shut down?

Privatemdlabs have the result in a couple of days. Why do the PCT if not needed? Just a thought

16-21 days would be from peak test levels ;) Which he won't have achieved in 2 weeks, so you can bring PCT forward. I'd start as soon as you can, just run clomid 50mg ed for 4 weeks should be plenty.

and no hcg in PCT.
16-21 days would be from peak test levels ;) Which he won't have achieved in 2 weeks, so you can bring PCT forward. I'd start as soon as you can, just run clomid 50mg ed for 4 weeks should be plenty.

and no hcg in PCT.

Thanks for that correction. Doh it takes 4 to 6 weeks to peak that was stupid :Pat:
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I would not take hcg now during pct nor do I think you even need it after 2.5 weeks. HCG suppresses LH so using it in pct will not be a good idea when your trying to recover. I would do the nolva everyday and do you not have any clomid? Did you not run an AI?? Before you start next time make sure you have nolva AND clomid as well as some adex or aromasin and HCG and make sure to run the HCG during your cycle not in pct. You should recover from 2.5 weeks fairly easy

Ok I will not use the HCG. I most definitly ran AI's the entire time as I had a strong suspician going in that I would be gyno prone. Initially started using arimidex, didnt seem to cut it. Noticed a small lump a day after first pin (likely was there before, i didnt notice) and did letro and nolva for 2 weeks before acquiring raloxifene and weening onto that (currently).

I do not have clomid although I am thinking of ordering some prami and may get some alongside it if it is so highly recommended. I am researching prami for its prolactin decreasing effects as I have always had puffy nips and very low sex drive. Thinking of doing a small cycle of low dose (.25-.5 a day) in the month leading up to spring break to see how i react and if prolactin is indeed a genetic problem as I suspect.
I plan to do bloodwork on prolactin tomorrow. About 50 bucks to test only prolactin..kinda sucks but its the only thing I could find that affordably tests prolactin. Would prefer for something more expansive for a decent price...but hell. Only one way to know.