Can eating bad for a week make me weaker in the gym ?


New member
I ask this because all week we have had no good foods in, budget has been low for my diet, not really eat good at all "First in a long time" I'm still pretty new to bodybuilding but if i was to eat not to good for another week but still get carbs and proteins in will i start to lack strength a little?
Tough to say, how bad is bad. If I have a big steak and some cake with ice cream for a day no problem. If I am on vacation eating sugary foods and drinking non stop hell yea I lose some strength and feel like crap for about a week in the gym. Garbage in = Garbage out.
think of it was running shitty oil or bad fuel in your vehicle, your vehicles performance would go down, same idea man.
I don't think you will "lose strength" so to speak if you're eating your complex carbs and getting your proteins in but if you're eating "junk" on top of that you probably will gain some unwanted fat in the process..
It certainly can affect your workout. I notice if I'm not regimented with my diet for a couple of days, it really affects me in the gym. I'm sure there's a psychological aspect involved as well. If I'm eating bad, I'm less motivated to go and if I do go I don't have the same intensity.
Strength will not be lost that quick BUT if you eat unhealthy foods it can mess with your head and energy levels. I get this way with too many carbs or sugars(too much can be negative) Your strength is still there you probably just need healthier sources of fuel to drive it.