Can I avoid taking HCG for my first cycle?


New member
Hello folks, I want to know if I can avoid taking HCG for my first cycle?

I am 43 years old, 6'3", In January I was fat at 290 lbs but have been eating clean and working out Monday through Friday at my CrossFit box (gym) and lost tons of weight...I'm down to 223 lbs at around 18% bodyfat. I am losing weight by doing a ketogenic diet and consuming around 2200 calories a day of clean healthy food. When I start my cycle I will be consuming about 4,000 calories a day with 400 grams of protein a day divided up in 8 meals a day. I am waiting until I get to about 10% bodyfat to start my first cycle...and yes my training is CrossFit along with different runs and sprints after the WOD (workout of the day).

I plan on doing a 12 week cycle of 500 mg a week of Testosterone Cypionate (twice weekly injections of 250 mg on Monday and Thursday) while taking 0.5mg of Arimidex every other day. I will take a break on weeks 13 and 14 and on week 15 I will take 75 mg of Clomid and 40 mg of Nolvadex daily. On weeks 16, 17, and 18 I will be taking 50 mg of Clomid and 20 mg of Nolvadex daily.

I'm hoping that with everything I'm doing that I will be able to avoid taking HCG...I already hate needles but I have come to the conclusion that I will have to stick myself twice a week with the testosterone and I want to see if I can avoid any more injections that I need to.

Why would you want to avoid taking hcg when it's going to keep your nuts from shrinking and from total shut down? Plus make your recovery smoother. It's an easy shot, use 29g or 30g insulin pin subq. Diabetics do this shot several times a day, you'll get used to it.
HCG isn't essential for that cycle though it would make recovery easier. With the PCT clomid and nolva I think you will be fine, dosages look on point and similar to what I used on my first test cycle without HCG. Some prefer just clomid or nolva rather than a combo however IMO both offer best chances of recovery.
You can avoid it, but I don't recommend doing that. Your testicles will atrophy without it which will make recovery after your cycle more difficult.

You can inject Test and hCG at the same time in one syringe. Then you only have tonpib once.

Why do you want to bulk on your cycle when your body fat % is already high. Why not do a cutting cycle?
Ok, looks like I will take the HCG. Megatron, you said I can take the testosterone and HCG in the same syringe. So I will draw out 250 mg of testosterone cypionate along with 250IU of HCG twice a week starting from week 1 all the way to week 12. Then I do nothing for two week and then on week 15 I would start my PCT.

As for why I want to bulk on my cycle when my body fat % is high, that is because at the CrossFit I train at, in September or October my coach does the Barbell Club where we do Olympic and Power lifting for six weeks to increase our strength. I figure that if I get leaner by then that it would be better.

I'm also worried that if I stay as a fat fuck when I do my cycle that I will have worse side effects that will get out of hand. More fat = more estrogen receptors = more side effects. I'm also worried that if I bulk that I'm going to put on a little bit of fat as well. If I am already fat as fuck, then I am putting on more fat which is going to make it harder for me to lose when I start cutting. Finally, I can use the extra time losing more fat so I can study up on what I'm doing and using the additional time to get all the gear I need so that my first cycle will be successful and safe.

I want to see if I can get to 10% to 15% bodyfat when I start my cycle, preferably I'm going to shoot for 10%.
Dropping your body fat % before you cycle is a good idea. Fat cells carry the Aromatase Enzyme which is responsible for "converting" testosterone into estrogen. Having less fat will reduce aromatization which is a good thing when using AAS.

Continue to use hCG after you stop injecting testosterone. Use the hCG up until three days before PCT starts.
Do I continue using 250 IU of HCG twice a week (Monday and Thursday) on the two rest weeks before I start my PCT on Sunday?
Awesome!!! Thanks for the advice Megatron, I just want to make sure I don't fuck this up so that is why I am taking time to prepare and make sure I do everything right.

One last it absolutely necessary to refrigerate the HCG? I'm getting most of my gear in the brand Gen-Shi Labs from somewhere I won't say (I don't want to break the rules) and the HCG comes in 5000 IU vials. I am trying to figure out the amount of vials I need to purchase so that it will last me for the 14 weeks I need to use HCG. If I do the mix correctly, then I will transfer 5 ml of bacteriostatic water into the vial containing my hCG powder. Once I have done that, then I should have 1000 IU of HCG for every ml so I should be able to get 250 IU per 0.25 ml. That means that I should get 10 weeks work of HCG in one 5000 IU I should get 2 vials and have some extra left over.

Hopefully I didn't fuck this up.
If your going to do crossfit just be sure you don't injure yourself. A lot of crossfit trainers teach some really disturbing movements that are just recipes for injuries. Especially be careful Oly/Powerlifting - ensure you have good form. Would be a great idea to do some research on the movements beforehand (snatch, clean & jerk etc.)

Honestly you'd produce far better results doing proper weight training, but whatever exercise you enjoy most is always going to be more beneficial :)
Thanks. I agree that a lot of CrossFit trainers teach disturbing movements but I completely lucked out. My coach is very strict on form and I can't tell you how many times he has made me take off weight to make sure I'm doing it right. He could give a flying fuck about me doing a 300 pound clean and jerk, he wants me to do a perfect clean and jerk, even if it means I can only do it on a 45 lb bar. Technique is every lift. From clean and jerks to snatches to overhead squats to deadlifts, it is all about doing it correctly.

Before I had an accident that destroyed my arm and took me out of all training for two years, I had 40 pounds more muscle on my frame (I weighed 265 lbs) and I thought I was strong. Now I am smaller than I was before and I am way stronger than I was before because my coach made me lower weight and concentrate on perfect technique. When you have a killer coach like I do, it's no wonder why I have made so much progress. Now if I take my very first cycle while eating perfectly and training hard but with perfect technique, I can only imagine what I will be able to do.
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