Can I Extend First Cyp And Eq Cycle To 25 Weeks?


New member
Currently on week 10 of cyp (500mg/week) and eq (600mg/wk) and I just added anavar 60mg daily for 8 weeks. Also taking exem 12.5mg every 3-4 days although not feeling any estrogen sides nor much water retention.

I was going to stop eq after week 15 and stop cyp after week 20 then for pct do HCG, clomid and nolva but now I'm wondering if I can extend the eq to 20 weeks and cyp to 25 weeks and just do longer pct (6 weeks of PCT)? Thanks in advance for help and replies.
Is this your first cycle? Why 8 weeks of var? Are you taking any liver support? Hcg doesn't belong in pct. Should've started it from the beginning of cycle up to pct. Not sure why you want to extend your cycle for another couple months. A few red flags going on here...
Why are you taking Aromasin every 3-4 days? Did you get any bloodwork or are you just going with it? Should take Aromasin everyday. Hmmm...
Is this your first cycle? Why 8 weeks of var? Are you taking any liver support? Hcg doesn't belong in pct. Should've started it from the beginning of cycle up to pct. Not sure why you want to extend your cycle for another couple months. A few red flags going on here...

This is my first AAS cycle. I am 29 yrs old, 5'10 213 lbs and have been lifting for 12 years. I have done many prohormone cycles over the years and after the ban I decided its time for the real deal.

Support sups- tudca, cycle support, low dose cialis for blood pressure stability, fish oil
Why are you taking Aromasin every 3-4 days? Did you get any bloodwork or are you just going with it? Should take Aromasin everyday. Hmmm...

On the other forum I am apart of I was told to take Aromasin 12.5 EOD but I havent been getting much estrogen sides judging by how I feel and look so I am taking it every 3-4 days instead to make sure estrogen is under control.
On the other forum I am apart of I was told to take Aromasin 12.5 EOD but I havent been getting much estrogen sides judging by how I feel and look so I am taking it every 3-4 days instead to make sure estrogen is under control.

Can you feel elevated blood pressure or the onset of deep vein thrombosis? What about hypercalcemia?

Hint: No, you can't.

Time for a blood test, it's cheap and gives PROOF that you're gtg. There are many things we don't notice until the problem becomes serious. It's also probably WAY past time to donate blood - EQ is putting your bone marrow into overdrive, and you don't want to stroke out from having a hematocrit too high.

Regarding your extended cycle plans; the question becomes how badly do you want to be on TRT the rest of your life? Every week that goes by while your pituitary is "asleep" pushes you closer and closer to that possibility.

My .02c :)
I honestly agree that's a lot if shit the only thing I've taken is testosterone e and I've lost 80 pounds. But I think you should think about staying on year round then cycling because you like long cycles it pays off better being always on then coming off looking and feeling like shit I love always having that rush when working out but I would cruise on 500 to 600 mg of test e or c and when you blast do 750 or 1,000 mg of test e or c until you have more experience and add other shit in if you want BTW 20 weeks is the longest I even like blasting or cruising it feels like after 20 weeks your body wants something different even if you lower the test its different.
wow, a 25 week cycle for your first cycle??
using more than one compound??

using hcg in pct??

this wasn't properly set up brother..

if you want any chance at full natty recovery come off now
I honestly agree that's a lot if shit the only thing I've taken is testosterone e and I've lost 80 pounds. But I think you should think about staying on year round then cycling because you like long cycles it pays off better being always on then coming off looking and feeling like shit I love always having that rush when working out but I would cruise on 500 to 600 mg of test e or c and when you blast do 750 or 1,000 mg of test e or c until you have more experience and add other shit in if you want BTW 20 weeks is the longest I even like blasting or cruising it feels like after 20 weeks your body wants something different even if you lower the test its different.

Unless you were hypogonadal, your reckless decision to be on test year-round had very little to do with your weight loss. Part of the lifestyle is understanding how to manage off time and RESPONSIBLE use.

Putting yourself on TRT intentionally is just dumb.
I honestly agree that's a lot if shit the only thing I've taken is testosterone e and I've lost 80 pounds. But I think you should think about staying on year round then cycling because you like long cycles it pays off better being always on then coming off looking and feeling like shit I love always having that rush when working out but I would cruise on 500 to 600 mg of test e or c and when you blast do 750 or 1,000 mg of test e or c until you have more experience and add other shit in if you want BTW 20 weeks is the longest I even like blasting or cruising it feels like after 20 weeks your body wants something different even if you lower the test its different.

Sorry but this is the worst idea I've read on here in awhile. Tried neg repping you but must've got ya before. Obviously you do some pretty dumb shit and don't need to be giving out your idea of advice. You need to be taking advice instead...