Can I homebrew Aromasin?


New member
Hi All

I love everything about home brewing my own TestE. My question is can I homebrew everything that I will need for my cycles?


I have access to all the raws.

Thanks for any input
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I have recipes for: proviron, clomid, anastrazole, nolvadex, letro, no aromisin, I'll check around for you
Seeing as how my supplier has a 50 gram minimum order for all compounds I guess what I should have asked is: is it wise to brew my own oct or post cycle therapy (pct) compounds. The aromasin and Prami a quite pricey at 50grams. Elite Muscles seems to have solved my problem with 1 gram increments though. I'll have to check them out.

Thanks for the input
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You can home brew pretty much anything within reason, but you probably wont have the cash for prami or caber, it would be easier to buy that premade, as its really $$$. Atleast from my source.
does this save a lot of money? or is it so you know that it is all safe? or both ?:)

It is more cost effective to homebrew, but the price saving really depends on how much your doing at one time. And how often you use your compounds.

As far as being safe, lol. It depends on the person making it and the sterile technique they use. But for the most part, yes its as safe as YOU make it. Its highly debatable depending on how you want to look at it. Some feel safer with stuff they have made some only what pharm grade. Is ultimately what your comfortable with in the end.
I would imagine that it would be soluable in alcohol (Everclear) or polyethylene glycol. Taste is terrible in these liquids most often although they can be flavored. I make all my orals up into tablets with a cap em quik that I ordered off the internet in a size 00 I believe. Just weigh a cap, then fill it with filler (dextrose or creatine) weigh it again and subtract the pill weight then subtract the weight of the hormone you wish to add.

Lets say your making nolvadex.
take you .00 cap and weigh it (about 70mg)
add your dextrose to the cap and pack it then top it off and weigh again (about 370mg)
then subtract your cap weight and hormone weight (70 +20=90) 370-90=280
Now decide how many pills you are going to make, lets say 30
multiply your hormone by 30 and your filler by 30 and mix the two together thouroughly
.6grams nolva
8.4 grams dextrose
now place 30 capsules in your cap em quik machine add your powder, spead it evenly and pack it with the included packer and then place the other half of the capsule back on.
The cost is very low and the pills are very easy to handle.
Sorry if you are not interested in this it has always just been easier for me!
Yes it will be considerably cheaper to 'Brew' those. Although I don't really consider them a brew, because they're all orals.