Can I pin TB500 sub q with my hcg, mix them together?


New member
Going to start TB500 2mg 2x/wk . I also pin hcg 2x /wk as part of my TRT. It would be great if I can mix em in the same slin pin, save time and needles!
Yeah, just wondering. Like how you can mix your deca with your test. Just curious.

1cc?? Is that the min amount of bac water to mix with the 2mg? You cant go with less?
Yeah, just wondering. Like how you can mix your deca with your test. Just curious.

1cc?? Is that the min amount of bac water to mix with the 2mg? You cant go with less?
I don't recomend to mix it bro, yes 1cc you can divede in 2 1/2 cc jeringa if you wish to
Going to start TB500 2mg 2x/wk . I also pin hcg 2x /wk as part of my TRT. It would be great if I can mix em in the same slin pin, save time and needles!
I decided I am NOT taking TB500.... screw that. Too much risk over what? A chance of healing a little faster?? Not worth it in health or money.

This decision is based on research where you simply google the term angiogenesis and you will see that tumors need angiogenesis to turn malignant. TB 500 actually promiotes angiogenesis.

Big research has been put into angiogenesis and they not have anti angiogenesis drugs to combat cancer.
I decided I am NOT taking TB500.... screw that. Too much risk over what? A chance of healing a little faster?? Not worth it in health or money.

This decision is based on research where you simply google the term angiogenesis and you will see that tumors need angiogenesis to turn malignant. TB 500 actually promiotes angiogenesis.

Big research has been put into angiogenesis and they not have anti angiogenesis drugs to combat cancer.
same with anti estrogens and anti androgens for cancer treatment.. so we should suck all the testosterone and estrogen out of our bodys now? dude you are not grasping this i dont think..
Tumor angiogenesis: past, present and the near future
dude , and your body needs it too live as well! you are taking it out of context and stressing un neededly! if you have cancer you even nee
ed to be careful what HERBS u take. you are overreacting. /tb and hgh DO NOT CAUSE CANCER!!! and are safe to use under normal setting
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Those are good points.
I know TB doesnt cause cancer tho. If you have a benign tumor TB can promote the angiogenesis to make it change to malignant. Thats all Im taliking about. The research is there. I just think it should be recognized and not glossed over. Just like anything else discussed on this board.

My thing is this, is it worth the risk when it may not even aid an injury? When considering how much risk we take already ( or I take) is it worth it to add this on top?
Whether I take TB or not my injury will heal, maybe slower but eventually. I just dont feel comfortable taking this risk, thats all.
Also I risk the money, its very expensive and it may not even help me. I read at least one post on here where it did nothing for that person. Who knows?

Since I started this thread in favor of TB and since I changed my mind I figured I would end it here.

I do understand what you are saying tho and thanks for the feedback.