Can Nolvadex be used during a cycle to prevent testicular atrophy?


New member
I have read several users suggesting to have nolvadex or other SERM's on hand during a ph cycle in case of a gyno flair up. I was wondering if Nolvadex could be used throughout the cycle and as a PCT to prevent testicular atrophy :sperm: and gyno :mad: from happening in the first place?
I have already read the post cycle therapy (pct) sticky and it says nothing about using Nolvadex during the only mentions HCG. Thats why I asked this.
Nolva isn't used during a cycle its used for post cycle therapy (pct), nolva is an estrogen blocker, ,Hcg helps with testicular atrophy,,you want an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle not a serm
I know that Nolva blocks the Estrogen receptor...this in turn makes the body think it doesn't have enough free estrogen. The body then makes testosterone to hopefully be converted to estrogen via aromatase. People use this as a post cycle therapy (pct) to help jumpstart their nat test production. If the whole reason your balls shrink is because your hypothalamus shuts down test production due to artificially high circulating levels of exogenous test then wouldn't it make sense that if nolva were introduced mid cycle your body would want to make more estrogen by producing more test? Wouldn't this theoretically reduce atrophy?
No it would not, you would actually see less gains threw your cycle using nolva, use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) threw your cycle along with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), nolva is used for post cycle therapy (pct) only
Can you guys elaborate? I have an pretty extensive background in human physiology so more of an explanation as to 'why' it wouldn't would be appreciated.
with your "extensive background in human physiology " you should be able to find your answere pretty quickly with a little searching
Nolva would cause your estro levels to drop too low during cycle and your body isn't going to start making test as long as you continue to have a high test already by injecting test, ,but your bill Nye the science guy so try it and see what happens
with your "extensive background in human physiology " you should be able to find your answere pretty quickly with a little searching

Hey little ricky, why don't you do yourself a favor and actually learn about what you are talking about before you trash someone? Sound good? Ok...
I know that Nolva blocks the Estrogen receptor...this in turn makes the body think it doesn't have enough free estrogen. The body then makes testosterone to hopefully be converted to estrogen via aromatase. People use this as a PCT to help jumpstart their nat test production. If the whole reason your balls shrink is because your hypothalamus shuts down test production due to artificially high circulating levels of exogenous test then wouldn't it make sense that if nolva were introduced mid cycle your body would want to make more estrogen by producing more test? Wouldn't this theoretically reduce atrophy?

you're forgetting one thing in your theory, you're still introducing exogenous hormones into your body on cycle, so while you *may* make a tiny amount of natty test i highly highly doubt that it will make any difference because you still have hormones that are shutting down test production.

and if they shut it down before what makes you think that the little bit of nolva you take is gonna up your test levels (even minutely) when almost all of your (copious) natural production has been suppressed?
thats kinda concerning. never read that before.

all serms are to degrees, torem being less, nolva the worse form what i remember, thus minimize its use, as in solely post cycle therapy (pct), and at normal doses, 20mg, and not the crazy 40/40/40 stuff, same for clomid, very good at 50, no need for dosing 4x that in wk 1

torem imo is the best serm for effectiveness and less sides

with aromasin on, hcg on, torem in post cycle therapy (pct), i dont see the point in nolva other than its cheap
No big huge 100$ words needed for this one....You take Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during the cycle and SERMs in post cycle therapy (pct). No matter how you try to rationalize it, that's the bottom line. :)