Can one Oral cycle permantly mess up a teen?


I am banned!
I am 21. I dont do roids, I want to but I am waiting.
At 18 I did something super stupid. One day after the gym I was stretching and some dude started using the roller pad next to me, we started talking because we see each other a lot in the gym...we talked about goals in the gym and all that and at the time I had slow gains(thanks to a shitty diet) and long story short he sold me some Halo...he told me nothing about running it with test or a post cycle therapy (pct).
I am concerned because a lot of you tell the stupid kids who post in here that doing just 1 cycle can permanently fuck up the test levels...maybe I am thinking too paranoid but could I have done permanent damage to myself without knowing it? Can I have low test? I dont think I ever got that tested, here is more insight of what I did the Summer I turned 18 that I posted in another thread, but no one replied because it got buried in too many threads:
At age 18, I did my first cycle. I ran a cycle of Halo(fluoxymesterone).
I just want to know how much damage I did to myself.
Here is the story: At 18, I wanted overnight results, my workouts were terrible(never knew you had to switch routines) and I did not know jack shit about dieting.
I took Halo for 6 weeks of 10mg per day for 4 days a week. I took it dry with no test...on top of that during that Summer, a lot of my friends were leaving to military so we partied a LOT. I was drinking almost every Thursday,Friday, and Saturday...and I am not talking drunk, a lot of those days I would get shit faced...
it gets worse..
I also took creatine that summer and during the cycle...about 15g per day...and I drank almost no water(about 4 glasses a day and the 2 glasses I would mix my 2 protein shakes with) there were even times I would work out at 7pm, take my Halo and creatine before hand, and 4 hours later I would be drinking the 151 Bacardi straight...

I quit taking the Halo 6 weeks in because I got very weird symptoms(probably some you never heard before). I would wake up in the middle of night not being able to breathe. As soon as I would wake up, I could breathe but I felt like I been underwater for 3 turns out that the part of the brain that subconsciously breathes for you when you're asleep(dont know what that's called) would shut off on me sometimes...which was scary. That stopped the day after I quit doing doctor said it was a result of the roid...

And last but not least I never ran a post cycle therapy (pct) as well. I am wondering if I did any permanent test damage to myself because I never really did get blood work done after for test. The doctor just tested me for Cholesterol and liver enzymes and told me that at 18 after the cycle I had the cholesterol of a 45yo.

Should I go get my Test levels tested or am I being too paranoid?
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you could possibly have damages you liver abit by taking orals and drinking so much , also may have lowered your natty test production , id say the only way to realy know for sure is to have a blood test dont to see where your test lies right now , but there is a chance that u messed ur hpta bit , imo hpta is very sensative
I would say it depends. Everyones body is different. Maybe you have problems within your body that you do not know about already. If that was the case you could def. fuck up your body.

Someone who is healthy and does the proper cycle with orals and then quits forever...I would say things would go back to normal after a period of time.
Thanks guys for the input, I already scheduled to see my doc tomorrow, what should I specifically tell her to test?