Can someone tell me how to use IGF1-LR3 in plain English ??

Dominator Human

Amateur BodyBuilder
I have 3 vials of this stuff sitting for 6 months that I got from Amino Outpost.

I've read a lot of threads and tried to research as much as I could but I can't find simple instructions on how to use it.

I have 3 vials of IGF1-LR3 marked 1ml, bac water, and enough slin pins.

Can someone explain in plain English:
- how much water goes in the vial ?
- how much is the recommended dose ? and for how long ?
- how much do I withdraw in the slin pin to get this dose ?

I will be running the IGF1-LR3 along with Test, Tren, and Winny.
I have 3 vials of this stuff sitting for 6 months that I got from Amino Outpost.

I've read a lot of threads and tried to research as much as I could but I can't find simple instructions on how to use it.

I have 3 vials of IGF1-LR3 marked 1ml, bac water, and enough slin pins.

Can someone explain in plain English:
- how much water goes in the vial ?
- how much is the recommended dose ? and for how long ?
- how much do I withdraw in the slin pin to get this dose ?

I will be running the IGF1-LR3 along with Test, Tren, and Winny.

Some of your questions can wait for an answer because you don't use Bac Water with IGF, you need to get some Acetic Acid. If you use BW, your IGF won't be any good for very long, meaning like a day or two
Some of your questions can wait for an answer because you don't use Bac Water with IGF, you need to get some Acetic Acid. If you use BW, your IGF won't be any good for very long, meaning like a day or two

Yeah I now realize that, but I can have it in a week.
Something I just read says that if you use BW, IGF deteriorates within about 30 days.... maybe a vial would be used up by then??

Around 40mcg - 60mcg dosage seems to be the average dosage and many seem to do it bilaterally post workout.
Are there any major side effects with running this? I think I read it could kill you if you don't know your sugar levels? Any feedback
Don't know any facts to that statement and I've never really read that myself, but I would think your sugar levels would have to be pretty fuked up in order for that to happen. A 40-60mcg dose isn't really that big so I really don't see any side effects THAT major.
My wife and I are on it.. great stuff. Very safe, just eat a lot. Carry granola bars with you everywhere, if you feel sluggish, eat one or two. Eat a big breakfast, big lunch, big dinner and snack as much as possible.. Complete opposite of what you'd expect, at least what we expected, but the more you eat, the more muscle you gain.

We started, both pretty fluffy with high body fat. You can't gain fat on this stuff, so fuel the muscle growth, work out a lot. I lift a lot of weights, and do a lot of start and stop cardio.. like hitting the bike hard and fast till you get tired from pushing it, wind down, take a break, and hard and fast again. Better results than just staying on it.

IGF-1 Lr3 has no side effects other than blood sugar drops.. and when I say no side effects, I mean sides that you'll notice, as in feeling different. It takes about 72 hours for the effects of the first injection to really kick in.. after that, you'll notice that you're a lot stronger. Each week you'll notice huge strength gains.

We started with T3 alongside IGF-1 Lr3 to rapid weight loss.. Since then have tapered off and just on IGF-1 Lr3. We stopped Clen, too many sides, too shaky, too high of blood pressure, not worth it. Now this is coming from people who have never injected anything before. So we had to learn everything, and thanks for boards like this, we got it right the first time. This board alone is packed full of IGF-1 Lr3 information.

We use acidic acid to reconstitute, and dilute with sodium chloride for less stings. I'm on 100mcg every 3 days, she's on 50mcg every 3 days. I was on 100mcg every day for a week.. was a hell of a boost, felt amazing.. but it was time to cut down to something more realistic and give the cells time to rest and grow.

Get plenty of sleep. You'll be tired on this stuff and when you are, eat something.

I don't drink coffee, don't like the sides of caffeine, but on this stuff, I drink a cup every morning. Also before this, everytime I ate I got very tired, like after thanksgiving dinner tired, after every meal. Not anymore, now when I eat, I get immediate energy.

Also I had very high blood pressure prior to IGF-1 Lr3. I also had bad heart palpitations, had it my whole life. Since starting IGF-1 Lr3, my blood pressure has dropped way down to normal, and my chest pains never come around. Going from every day of my life, to never.. its amazing. Except when I accidentally nick a vein, I get pretty high blood pressure from that.

Anyway I'm not a bodybuilder, and not experienced with anything else. I just read a lot and you wanted real talk, so I'm trying to offer some of what I know.
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I have 3 vials of this stuff sitting for 6 months that I got from Amino Outpost.

I've read a lot of threads and tried to research as much as I could but I can't find simple instructions on how to use it.

I have 3 vials of IGF1-LR3 marked 1ml, bac water, and enough slin pins.

Can someone explain in plain English:
- how much water goes in the vial ? depends how much you want to put in vial, there is NO set amount (put what ever makes the math easyer)
- how much is the recommended dose ? and for how long ? I rec 30-60mcg every day for 8 to 10 weeks myself.
- how much do I withdraw in the slin pin to get this dose ? depends on howmuch mix u add, simple math will tell you.
no on a 1/2 cc slin pin every 5iu mark is 50 mcg... DONE simple ! :)

I will be running the IGF1-LR3 along with Test, Tren, and Winny.
I really liked it myself on tren and test.

Im in red above.

Ill be using IGF1LR3 (VERY good stuff) starting halfway threw my current cycle of mast/test/tren + tbol first 6 weeks of this 12-14 wk cycle.

Very good stuff.

if your still a bit confused here is a good intro to igf1 use:
Beginner***8217;s Guide To IGF1-lr3
The goal of this guide is to help both those that have not used IGF-1lr3 before and for those that simply would like a methodical approach to the ***8220;mechanics***8221; of running it. This guide does not expand on the biochemistry of IGF-1, aside from a very simple introduction to it. I suggest reading a book or searching forums to educate yourself about the biochemistry of ***8220;peptides***8221; or ***8220;IGF***8221; if you require in-depth knowledge.

I am not a physician, thus cannot and do not diagnose ailments or diseases and/or nor do I suggest that IGF-1 is a remedy for any illness or diseases. IGF-1 should be treated with much respect. It is research compound, thus you should use at your own risk.

Currently (05/31/2008), in the United States, IGF-1lr3 is a research compound. It is legal to own this substance to the best of my knowledge (at current time). I am not an attorney, so please review your local law(s) regarding possession and administration of this therapeutic protein.

I do not condone the usage of IGF-1lr3 unless you are qualified to do so. This guide is provided as a research & development tool only.

IGF-1lr3 Overivew

Long Arg3 Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (Long-R3-IGF-I) is an 83 amino acid analog of IGF-I comprising the complete IGF-I sequence with the substitution of an Arg for the Glu at position 3 (hence R3), and a 13 amino acid extension peptide at the N-terminus. Long-R3-IGF-I is significantly more potent than IGF-I in vitro. The enhanced potency is due to the markedly decreased binding of Long-R3-IGF-I to IGF binding proteins which normally inhibit the biological actions of IGFs.

Recombinant Human Long-R3-IGF-I produced in E. coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 83 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 9111 Dalton.

Reconstituting IGF-1lr3

1. Swab the top of your IGF-1 vial with a sterile alcohol prep pad
2. Swab the top of your bac water with a sterile alcohol prep pad
3. Using either multiple insulin syringe volumes (example: 2 x 0.5cc) or a single large syringe, obtain 1.0mL of bac.
4. In the IGF-1 vial, insert a sterile ~20 ga. needle to act as a vent
5. Inject the 1.0mL of bac very slowly and dribble it down the side of the vial.
a. Be very careful with this peptide as it is very delicate!
6. Remove the needle & syringe and discard
7. Gently swirl the vial or roll between your hands.
a. Again, be very gentle here
8. You now have 1mg/mL of IGF-1
a. This is the same as: 1,000mcg/mL

1. If you added 2mL of bac, it would be a 0.5mg/mL
2. I have an Excel calculator that will help you with these calculation.

Injecting IGF-1lr3
If this is your first time with injections, don***8217;t worry. You will be using a very fine gauge insulin syringe which means you will most likely have nearly effortless injections. These things are so tiny and sharp you may not even feel it penetrating. If you use sterile procedure, aspirate prior to injection, you should have no issues with your injections and very minimal post-injection discomfort (if any at all!).

I cannot stress enough the importance on two topics: A) sterility, and B) pre-injection aspiration. Always swab the injection site(s) with a sterile isopropyl alcohol (IPA) pad and aspirate prior to injecting the IGF-1. No questions asked!

You will most likely intramuscular (IM) injections, but subcutaneous (sub-q) injections are also followed by some, but current theory is that IM will yield a localized effect. By ***8220;localized effect***8221;, I am referring to the effect IGF-1 will have at the injection site. So if you inject IM into biceps, it is thought that your bicep muscles will get more of a dose of IGF-1 than other parts of your body (some which you don***8217;t want to be effected, such as the intestines). Both types of injections will have systemic effects (affecting the body as a whole). Long R3 IGF-1 has an estimated half-life of 20-30hrs (taken from IGTROPIN data).

This guide assumes you will be doing bilateral IM injections. More below.

Bilateral injections are injections that are evenly divided between two muscles. If you are injecting 40mcg (micrograms) bilaterally, you will be injecting 20mcg into the right bicep and 20mcg into the left bicep.

Current theorized best practice is to you inject your peptide post workout (PWO). You have a small window of optimal opportunity. Ideally, you would inject immediately PWO, but some do not like the idea of injecting in a public location, such as the gym. Your next best option is to make your way home ASAP and have your needles loaded and ready (with your alcohol swabs sitting near by).

Without a doubt, sterility is a major concern with injections. You have to be conscious of bacteria and other infectious agents at all times when performing injections or other procedures that require sterility (such as reconstitutionsand).

Bacteria (and viruses, and spores, etc) are invisible to the naked eye. Yet they are everywhere. It is very important that you acquire sterile alcohol prep pads (make sure it says ***8220;sterile***8221; before you buy them). They are extremely cheap and effective.

Wash your hands! Before attempting anything requiring sterile technique, wash your hands and dry them with a clean paper towel (not the dirty towel hanging in the bathroom!). For optimal sterility, you may purchase exam gloves (latex or non-latex) and, after putting them on, you can dump some isopropyl alcohol (IPA) onto them and rub your hands together thoroughly. Now you really have sterile hands. Exam gloves are very inexpensive as is the bottle of IPA. IPA can be purchased for ~$1/bottle in the grocery store where the band-aids and whatnot.

I recommend you use a fresh syringe for each injection. Yes, some choose to use one syringe, but my feeling is that the syringes are so inexpensive and the risk of cross-contamination from one injection site to the other isn***8217;t worth the risk. Furthermore, every time your syringe needle has to penetrate something (rubber stoppers in vials, skin, etc) it dulls the tip. Thus, maximum comfort is also achieved with fresh syringes.

This topic of ***8220;one or two syringes***8221; can be argued, but if it***8217;s your first time, play it safe and get off to a great start by using 2!

Pre-injection Aspiration
Pre-injection aspiration is what you do after the needle has penetrated the muscle. You must gently and slightly pull back on the needle***8217;s plunger to see if you have hit a vein/artery.

Either of two things will happen upon aspiration: A) bubbles/air and/or clear liquid will appear in the syringe (this is good), or B) blood will appear (bad).

If A) occurs, proceed with your injection. If B) occurs, then simply withdraw the needle, and re-pin a different location in that same muscle. You do NOT want to inject your solution into a vein/artery! This may result in very serious consequences. Don***8217;t worry, you can avoid this by simply aspirating slightly. Have faith in yourself.

Injection Procedure
First, do not get all worked up over injecting IGF-1. Easier said than done, I know. But the reality is, the insulin syringes are extremely gentle. Also, millions of people around the world, including women and children, use these syringes daily to treat Diabetes. So you know it can***8217;t be that bad (seriously)! I highly recommend watching a couple videos on youtube regarding intramuscular (IM) injections to get a general idea of how they***8217;re done if you***8217;ve never witnessed them!

Recommended Best Injection Method: Injecting bilaterally, post workout, intramuscularly (Bilat, PWO, IM)

Items you will need
1. Alcohol prep pads
2. 2 insulin syringes
3. Bacteriostatic water (BW)
4. Optional: exam gloves
5. Optional: IPA (to rub gloves with and to clean the surrounding area)

Injection Directions
1. Wash your hands thoroughly
2. Optional: put on exam gloves and rub with IPA until dry
3. Using an alcohol swab, clean the tops of both the IGF-1 vial and the BW vial.
4. Using a fresh alcohol swab, thoroughly clean the injection sites (let dry)
5. Fill each syringe with the appropriate amount of IGF-1/bac solution
a. Do NOT touch the needles to anything but sterile surfaces!
b. It is recommended that you clean/sanitize the area/surfaces you***8217;re working in, in case you mindlessly touch a needle to a table (or other area).
6. Back-loading: Draw up the necessary amount of BW into each syringe.
a. Tilt the needle up and down so the bubble(s) rise and fall, which mixes the solution slightly
7. With the needle pointing up, flick the syringe body to get the bubbles to rise to the needle
8. Slowly expel the air; be careful to not quirt liquid out as this wastes IGF-1
a. It takes >3mL of air to cause harm; small volumes of accidentally injected air will most likely be absorbed by muscle tissue
9. Insert syringe and aspirate by slightly pulling up on the plunger to see if you have hit a vessel. If you see blood, remove needle, and try again (no need to change syringes). If you do NOT see blood, proceed to inject.
10. Perform ***8220;7.***8221; thru ***8220;9***8221; above on other side.
11. Discard sharps in appropriate container


Aspiration: The technique of checking to see if your inserted needle is in a blood vessel. It is performed by gently pulling up on the syringe plunger until you either see bubbles/air/clear liquid, or blood. If you see blood, remove needle, and re-try the insertion.

Bacteriostatic Water (BW): This is water for injection (sterile) that has benzoyl alcohol (BA) added to it to ward of contamination.

Bilateral Injection (bilat): An injection which involves the administration of IGF-1 in equal amounts to each side of the body. If you are injecting 40mcg IGF-1 into the biceps bilaterally, you will be injecting 20mcg into each bicep (left & right side).

Distilled Water: Has virtually all of its impurities removed through distillation. Distillation involves boiling the water and then condensing the steam into a clean cup, leaving nearly all of the solid contaminants behind. This is NOT sterile water. It can be purchased in any grocery store in the ***8220;water***8221; isle.

Endogenous: Substances that originate from within an organism, tissue, or cell. It is the opposite of exogenous

Exogenous: Refers to an action or object coming from outside a system. It is the opposite of endogenous.

IM: Intramuscular; typically refers to the type of injection where you inject a substance directly into muscle tissue

IGF-1 lr3: A peptide that is responsible for new muscle tissue development; it is synthetic and has a much longer circulatory life than endogenous IGF-1

Lyophilized: The form in which IGF-1 is typically supplied; this is a freeze-dried protein which is performed in a vacuum; appearance may range from a fine, loose white powder, to a white solid ***8220;paste***8221;-type substance

PWO: Post Work Out; refers to the time period when the administration of IGF-1 is thought to be the most effective (immediately PWO).

Reconstitution: The addition of 0.6% acetic acid to lyophilized IGF-1r3 to get it into solution. Typically one reconstitutes using 1mL or 2mL of acetic acid, yielding 1mg/mL or 2mg/mL of IGF-1/AA.

Sub-q: Subcutaneous; typically refers to the type of injection where you inject a substance under the skin; this results in systemic distribution of substances.
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Colonel, when you say you're on 100mcg every 3 days, are you just injecting the full 100mcg in one pin or are you splitting that up into 2 or 3 pins during the day?
I was wondering if you need to run IGF1-LR3 for a long period of time to see results. For example 4 months? I also wanted to know how long would 1 vial last me? 2 months 1 month? weeks?

Thank you
IGF-1 Lr3 has no side effects other than blood sugar drops.. and when I say no side effects, I mean sides that you'll notice, as in feeling different. It takes about 72 hours for the effects of the first injection to really kick in.. after that, you'll notice that you're a lot stronger. Each week you'll notice huge strength gains.


IGF strength gains? I get a good pump, and better body composition over time, but never experienced any strength gains. Placebo maybe? Anyone else noticed strength gains?
IGF strength gains? I get a good pump, and better body composition over time, but never experienced any strength gains. Placebo maybe? Anyone else noticed strength gains?

placebo man....

when i thought about it at first, i researched it, i wasnt like most of these guys on here that hop on a board and ask eveyone else to answer all the questions they have about it. damn that drives me fucking nuts. you want to know how long a vial last you, research and learn how to use it. then you can figure it out....
How was your experience? I'm now in the same position you were in.

My 2 biggest questions are

1. how much bac water or Acetic Acid to put in the vial
2. how much to draw out in the slin pin to get 50mcg

If possible please let me know how your experiments went & if you can give me insight to my questions I'll rewatch any superman movie you want me to! ; )

Thank you for considering!

Can't you read? Or are you just stupid? juced_porkchop answered that above...
Are you guys fucking retarded? it comes in 1 ml vials thats 1000mcg per vial 1000/50 = 20 days 1000/100= 10 days <<< very hard shit.....

Run between 50-100 per day i run 60mcg myself which last about 3 working week days since i only workout on weekdays and take it on workout days. {A week, I mean a day... Well, which is it a week or a day? Uh a weekday! (anybody? lol )}

Take your 1 ml vial put (clean top with alcohol wipe) 1ml aa in it that makes each IU 10 mcg so if you want 50 mcg a day draw 5 iu, after you take your 5IU (50mcg) of IGF in the slin pin take your bac water (clean top with alcohol wipe) and draw 20iu more making sure the igf isnt sucked into the bac water.

I do this buy sucking a little air in first, next take the slin pin and turn it upside down flick it so the air goes to the top the turn it over and do it again. This insures it is mixed (I'm overly cautious) remove air.

Grab some fat (clean with alcohol wipe) and inject, remove needle slowly as not to loose any igf from hole. Take all your shit put it in a plastic bag and toss it in the drawer of your fridge. (supposedly it doesn't like light and it keeps it out of site.)
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I am very grateful for your post; it is beyond helpful for a newbie pep user. Do you use the same method to reconstitute all Pep's? Specifically: HGH Frag, CJC w/ DAC, PEG MGF, and TB-500?