Can you help me place my bf% (with pics)


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i took pics my self hard as hell to flex and hold "not so smart" phone
one front pic is not flexed other is half flex seeing this is the first time i have seen my abs the pics i have been low carbing on my new diet for three days carb load tom. not going to mention my diet because its 50-50 with everyone on here.just know i only eat 6 hours a day around 1900-2000 cals a day lot of fat low carbs high lean proteins.this diet has been 100x better than just low carb to me..f it i work out in a fasted state.check out hodge twins if you think it dosnt work.
bf% you tell me
lifting 2 years
weight loss 1 year
i started my journey at 330lbs lost all the way to 170lbs with a bf%18
i have gained and cut for the whole time..i just now started my for real cut this time maybe four weeks ago have eight weeks to go..i do have extra skin on bottom of stomach but know skin is paper thin so im holding FAT there as well.
really damn thanks lol i thought i would hear 10-13% since my lower looks wierd lol..anyreason my bottom is so ugly it use to jiggle until i dropped salt on creatine also mono seems to bloat me,do you think i could be show ready in 6-8 weeks of hard work my diet is strict same thing everyday not a gram more or less
It's probably where you're genetically prone to store fat the most. Considering you look about 8-9% the water retention from the creatine might have something to do with it as well. Good luck
thanks for all your help..i will post pics tom if you guys wouldldnt mind checking this post one more time..that makes alot of since man.thanks for all your help..does creatine mono bloat you as well i know it is said that it cant but i can tell a diff in my stomach when i take it how long should i stop it before i see a dif in water reduction?