1st Cycle, 1st Post - Me, Stats, History, Cycle, Workout,

Hello all from a complete newbie to the forum and AAS both!

Stats -
6’7’, 44yrs, 99.2k kg, 13% bf slim build, ectomorph.

Measurements –
Neck 16.5, Biceps 14.5, Forearms 11.6, Thighs 23.2, Calves 15, Chest 42.5, shoulders 50.1, waist 36.6, hips 37.6

I've been training (predominantly weight lifting) for 25 yrs. During that time I’ve fluctuated in body fat depending on how seriously I’ve been training in any given year, work and family dependant. So I know my way around a gym but have never taken BB seriously for an extended number of years. Diet may be great ( number of meals and macros on point) for a few months and then it tended to drop off. Cycles basically.

For the last 5 years (till June 2018) I didn’t go to the gym at all (having barely missed a week for 20 yrs) after having my daughter (IVF etc). Long story but I had fertility issues and was diagnosed as having azoospermia. Probably from birth despite having never taken any steroids before. Recreational drugs as a youngster though. Medical profession don’t know why but there you go.
Suddenly went back to the gym and lost 15% bf and toned up. Yep, I let myself go.

A few weeks ago, primarily due to my age and being infertile anyway, I decided to run a cycle. Completely new to all this but went for injectables. Unfortunately, I completely forgot, in the excitement of ordering all the gear to get my bloods done. Unbelievable. So pinned before initial bloods which I was really pissed about. So...I’m going to the doctor’s tomorrow for an unrelated matter so will ask for blood history done whilst I was having fertility treatment. That will have to suffice.

Cycle (12 wks)
250mg Test E Tues & Fri
0.25mg Arimidex Tues & Fri
250UI HCG Tues & Fri
Will continue HCG & AI until 3 days before PCT. Will start PCT 3 weeks after last Test pin.
PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/25/25


2200c BMR
3400kcal NDEE
4200kcal to bulk
Carb 540 or 90 over 6 meals
Pro 300 or 50
Fat 93 or 15

I struggle to hit those carbs but I do my best and am currently monitoring weight gain to keep within 1 to 2lb gain a week. I think I’ll be over this so may need to cut carbs a little.

Training Routine

3 day on 1 day off

Day 1 : Chest/Arms

-Flat Barbell Bench 3x6-8. 35kg 2min
-Incline Dumbbell Bench 3x6-8. 36kg 2min
-Flat Dumbbell Flye 3x8-10 . 18kg 1min
-Dips 3x10-12. 1min
* Cable Crossover performed every 2nd-3rd session *

-Barbell Curl 3x6-8 30kg / Lying French Press 35 kg 3x6-8. 2min
-Incline Dumbbell Curl 3x8-10 10kg / Tricep Pressdown 3x10-12 27kg
-Preacher Curl 3x8-10 5kg / Overhead Extension 3x8-10 19kg

Workout Duration : Approximately 45-60 minutes

Day 2 : Legs/Calves

-Back Squats 3x6-8 50kg (alternate with Front Squats)
-Leg Press 3x8-10. 120kg
-Leg Extension 3x10-12
-Romanian Deadlift 3x6-8
* Leg Curls performed every 2nd-3rd session *

-Calf Press 3x15-20
-Standing Calf Raise 3x15-20
-Seated Calf Raise 3x6-10

Workout Duration : Approximately 40-50 minutes

Day 3 : Back/Delts

-Barbell Row 3x6-8 40kg 2 min
-Lat Pulldown 3x10-12. PD 45kg 2 min
-Cable Row 3x8-10. 52kg 1min
-TBAR Row 3x6-8 (Dumbbell Row if heavy enough DB's 24kg). 1min
* Shrugs performed every 2nd-3rd session *

-Military Press 3x6-8. 25kg T 2min
-Side Lateral / Rear Lateral 3x8-10. 6kg 1min
-Upright Row 3x6-8.35kg 1min

Abs and cardio rotate per workout. Cardio 20-30 mins hitt.
Only started this routine this week so may add some volume as time passes. Any advice?

To Date
I have been running the cycle for 3weeks. No problems from pinning or sides as of yet.

BF was approx 12 % before I started (from calipers). Now at 12.5 %.


Decided to join this forum as seemed to have some knowledgeable people contributing and I am particularly impressed to see some people continually contributing and sharing their knowledge and expertise on a regular basis. Outstanding. I hope I haven’t bored everyone too much but just wanted to start with some history so people offering advice have at least something to base it on.

Initially, I had rock hard boners and labido increase. In the last 7 to 10 days labido has dropped off so am thinking of upping the arimidex dosage to .25 EOD. Does that sound reasonable? Guess it’s difficult to say without bloods. I have no other side’s to mention other than during an eye exam today the optometrist said I likely have high blood pressure and to get it checked. Another reason to up the AI dose slightly? Reasonable? Should I up it too .5mg on pinning days or EOD? Or leave it to .25 EOD for 10 days and get BP checked?

Thx in advance and I'm going to post weekly with bf, stats, sides updates I.e. use this as a log. Is this all within the rules?

All advice etc welcome
Welcome brother.

Personally I would want bloodwork to justify upping the AI. If I were set on upping the ai then I would take .5 on one dose and .25 the second dose. Some more bros will chime in on this.

I would also run out and donate blood. Thatll help some with the BP but more importantly it will help thin your blood. (Hematocrit)

Donate blood throughout cycle as eligible and get some bloodwork for the justification on the AI dose

Good luck and best wishes bro
Welcome brother.

Personally I would want bloodwork to justify upping the AI. If I were set on upping the ai then I would take .5 on one dose and .25 the second dose. Some more bros will chime in on this.

I would also run out and donate blood. Thatll help some with the BP but more importantly it will help thin your blood. (Hematocrit)

Donate blood throughout cycle as eligible and get some bloodwork for the justification on the AI dose

Good luck and best wishes bro

Rrrr ok blood donation. Nice one. I'll do that. Going to order bloodwork kit tomorrow. Thx bro
So....I tore my lower trap yesterday. Long standing injury. Obviously have a weakness. I've never done it in the gym. Only reaching for the remote or something else equally as innocuous!! Back seizes up every night. Nightmare in the morning but eases off eventually. Probably take a week or two to heal but I'm not stopping training. I'll manage but it's really frustrating.

Did some weight calculations last night.

99.2kg on 20/01 15.5% bf (according to home scales)
100.3 on 02/02. 15.7% bf
100.8 on 06/02 15.8 % bf
102.2 on 13/02. 16.0 % bf

Total weight then is 224.84lb.

So 24 days = 3kg gain = 6.6lb or 1.97lb per wk

If I go by my caliper measurements I've gained very little bf as it gives me 12.5ish %.

If I go by home scales then 1.12lb of that 6.6 gain is fat or 17% of gains so far is fat.

That sounds about right too me. Am I on the right track here?
Ok so...wanted to update once a week but life gets in the way.
Training has been very good. Been rigidly sticking to 3 on 1 off (body parts x2 a week essentially). Probably not been getting optimal sleep/rest but such is family life. Had a cold for the last week which is pretty frustrating when it comes to sleeping what with the cough and all but hopefully it will go soon.
Pinning has been no problem whatsoever other than last Tuesday when the syringe became detached from the needle when injecting. One fat mess later I eventually got it sorted. Currently pinning in alternate thighs as it seems easier and I’ve had no problems thus far.
The labido thing I last mentioned seems to have evened out. I dropped dose of adex to 0.25 on pin days only which seems to have had the desired effect.
Weight. Now this is frustrating. Everything was going merrily until I jumped on the scales on 22/02 when iseemed to have dropped from 102.7 to 101.4kg or 226.4lb to 223.5?! WTF. Shit scales?! Who knows (they're brand new)
223.5 lb 22/02
224 lb 23/02
224.5 lb 28/02
0.5 % fat gain.
So a 5.4 lb gain less 0.285 lb fat should be 5.4lb in a little of 5 weeks. Almost exactly 1 lb a week. So if I’m to assume that the scales are now accurate my gains seem to be a lot less than the last estimate. I have to admit that I was expecting a bit more at this stage but who knows whether it’s entirely accurate and I don’t want to get too hung up on week by week numbers.

Also, I have seen the majority of people on AAS including those on first or 2nd cycles claiming 'immense pumps' 'really feeling it how’s’ 'feeling really good' 'dont feel like superman but no aches and strains just GROWTH BABY'. Now I’m a pessimist at heart but I don’t feel anything like that. At all. So wondering now whether gear could be bunk. Awaiting on blood kit (which I’ve had to reorder) so I’ll keep training hard until those results are in. Then I’ll know for definite I guess.
Feeling.....a little underwhelmed...but it’s a marathon not a sprint huh ***128516;
Oh one last thing I’m thinking of changing my training routine a little to legs, push ,pull. 3 on 1 off. Diet is still on track but I feel that my body fat is going up so missed a few carbs yesterday. Probably shouldn’t be. Body dismorphia ***128514;
Soooooo my bloods have come back. Not impressed to say the least. However, could someone help me out here? My levels are as follows:-

Albumin 35-50. 46.7 g/l
SHBG 18.3-54. 18.8 nmol/L

FSH. 1.5-12.4. 24.4 IU/l
LH. 1.7-8.6. 7.44 IU/l
Oestradiol 41-159. 54.6 pmol/l
Test. 8.64-29. 15.6 nmol/l
F Test. 0.2-0.62. 0.4 nmol/l
F Androgen Index 24-104. 82.98 ratio

My test of 15.6 nmol/l equates to 449.9359 Ng/dL.

This basically says to me that my test e is bunk gear. I thought as much. I think levels shd be up to 10000 Ng/dL after 6 wks of 500 mg per week shouldn't it. Could someone just confirm this for me. Appreciated.

All other levels are normal range except FSH which points to a testicle issue but then I know I have fertility issues anyway!

So frustrating!!! Ah well. If someone could confirm that the test is bunk I'll lay off the gym for 3 or 4 days because I've been doing 3 days on 1 day off for 6 wks which is likely overtraining. Does this seem sensible?

Christ, I've now got to buy again and hope that it's not bunk a second time. What a waste if money.
100 mg/wk of Test E puts me in the 600's, so based on that 500 mg/wk should be in the 3,000's.

Your mid range Test result and high FSH and LH indicate whatever you are injecting isn't testosterone, and likely isn't any kind of steroid.
About 8-12 hours after HCG I have a spike in libido and erections. Not full blown but enough to need to adjust. Wifes ass looks a little extra needs a squeeze. Haha

I believe you can use a home pregnancy test to test it. Positive means its good ......board bros?
If you're gonna first post that's how it's done. Haha

following along

Ah ha ha haaaa Yeah man. Listen you came in correctly. Most don't give good stats of their protocols. I'm just complimenting my friend
Mycelium . Sometime i get frustrated asking, age, or BF% etc... :wavey:

Ha cheers Mike. Yeah looking back now it was probably a little OTT ha.

Anyways, I have replaced my bunk gear with new stuff. Have been on for a week. BF has crept up a little as I maintained the diet but pretty much the same. Now 16.1% on scales 102.9 kg. But calipers showing approx 13.5.

Back on the 3 on 1 off push, legs, pull. Not sure how I feel about it tbh. Having shoulder issues. Not sure I like the shoulders and pecs (albeit a slightly less work load) in one workout.
Anyways, I have replaced my bunk gear with new stuff. Have been on for a week. BF has crept up a little as I maintained the diet but pretty much the same. Now 16.1% on scales 102.9 kg. But calipers showing approx 13.5.

Never trust those electric scales, they're useless. Caliper will always be more accurate (assuming the person doing it knows what they're doing and can math).
I've also been told its important to do the measurement on those scales, first thing in the morning after drinking 0.75liters of water 40 minutes beforehand. Not sure if it has any merit though.