Can you replace AI with a natural test booster?


New member
Can you replace AI with a natural test booster? Head of a couple of products, one called test up and one called arimit
Generally, I will say no, you cannot. But just in case I am missing something, what do you wish to use the AI or "booster" for?
I'm not taking HCG I was wondering If I took a test booster would it be about the same. Help me recover from my cycle faster and keep my balls making test. I've read that alot of test products have acute estrogen blockers in them. Right now I have liquid dex on hand. I was thinking of taking a couple products that say they DECREASES ESTROGENS, Promotes and boosts natural test instead of the liquid dex.
wut? lol not sheriff serious... so now boosting test is the same as an AI? and hcg is now an AI? confused.
Maybe he means using either/or as a test booster. AI's have different effects on naturals than those using exogenous hormones. It has been shown to boost natural test levels WITHOUT crashing e2 because your body produces more test to make up for drop in e2 levels, and maintain homeostasis :)

But to answer, natural test boosters are nothing but aphrodisiacs. Some can raise your free test a bit, but nothing OTC will boost your TT levels.
I'm not taking HCG I was wondering If I took a test booster would it be about the same. Help me recover from my cycle faster and keep my balls making test. I've read that alot of test products have acute estrogen blockers in them. Right now I have liquid dex on hand. I was thinking of taking a couple products that say they DECREASES ESTROGENS, Promotes and boosts natural test instead of the liquid dex.

In your specific case a Test Booster will not be a suitable substitute for an AI or a SERM.

P.S. Test Boosters do not do anything other than shrink your bank account. Complete and total waste of your money.
I don't know what these guys are talking about OP, just take some zinc, do no fap, no pillow, cold showers. you'll be at 5000 ng/dl before you know it. ;)