canned chicken?


New member
per can:

protein: ~30gms
fat: ~13gms
poly: 3.0gms
mono: 6.ogms
sat: 3.6gms
carb: 0gm
colest: 32mg
sodium: 1100 mg
Potas: 420

not sure how to read the macro breakdown...from what i can see, sodium seems to be ALOT, but not sure if its too much. what kind of effect does too much sodium have?
good all out bulking food, or should i cut it out all together?
usually get tuna, thought id try a can to see what its like. tastes amazing compared to the tuna, but not sure if its worth it.
any opinions?
I like the canned chicken better than tuna, I mix it with cream cheese, finely chopped celery, onion and wasabi powder--It makes a great sandwich or stuffing for an omelete.
huskyguy said:
I like the canned chicken better than tuna, I mix it with cream cheese, finely chopped celery, onion and wasabi powder--It makes a great sandwich or stuffing for an omelete.

mmmm...that sounds nice. :)
Is it the canned chicken breast that you're using?
They're all high in sodium though.
I've tried the canned chicken breast from Costco. I think it's made by Kirkland and it rocks. It's just a little too salty.
What makes me mad is they even inject salt water into chicken you buy at the store. You make some chicken wings and they're these nice big wings, and you cook them and you're left with a bunch of salt water in the pan and wings half the size.
huskyguy said:
I like the canned chicken better than tuna, I mix it with cream cheese, finely chopped celery, onion and wasabi powder--It makes a great sandwich or stuffing for an omelete.
You have some really great recipe ideas. :)