Gill, I'm aware you're in a different country, so it's possible that this may work in your locale - but it's extremely dangerous to do so in the US.
AAS is a scheduled substance in the US, and as such, coming "clean" to your doctor can be written down as drug abuse. This can haunt a person for the rest of their life as insurance will have access to such information and permanent medical records can prevent proper care in the future. Unless we're talking life or death, I'd keep that to myself.
There's a VERY good study posted by IMT in the TRT forums demonstrating how HCG use CONCURRENTLY with TRT can maintain fertility, as long as there aren't any preexisting issues with production/motility.
This is the step I personally would take if I weren't done having children. It's cheap, has multiple benefits, and progress is easily checked via a sperm count/motility study.
My .02c