capping winny? just as effective?


New member
i see people say oral Winstrol (winny) is just as effective as injectable... so why is it that eveyone goes the extra distance to make injectable and not just cap it off?
injectable will be slightly less harsh on the body, provide more stable blood levels and (a personal preference) you don't have remember to take pills all the time.
but thats it???
Winstrol injectable taken will give you noticably different gains. The orals are notoriously underdosed plus they put more stress by the liver.

why is it that in 3 chemical study forums no one can answer this?
Injectables offer a direct avenue for your bloodstream to uptake the hormone. You avoid the stomach and its acids.

That said, as im sure you're aware, Winstrol (winny) is a little less effective orally as it is when injected, mg for mg.

Honestly, I think capping Winstrol (winny) is the way to go. Shit, I think not taking Winstrol (winny) is the way to go. Whats easier, swallowing a cap or injecting? In that respect I see why you're asking the question.

This is a chem forum, people enjoy doing conversions, and Winstrol (winny) is probably the most complicated conversion to complete successfully.